
Panxer: RC Battle Tank for Eilik Robot

The Eilik Robot is one of the cutest desktop robots we have tested. It has a bunch of fun mini…

1 month ago

WOLF-X Robotic Tank for Combat

This is the WOLF-X: a robotic combat vehicle ready for extreme conditions. It is a 8x8 wheeled robotic vehicle that…

1 year ago

Terranaut by Nauticus Robotics: Amphibious Robot Tank

Nauticus Robotics is behind powerful sea robots. The Terranaut is a new robot that can both swim and craw. It…

1 year ago

Milrem Robotics’ Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle

This is Milrem Robotics' Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle: a powerful robot with a modular design that can be outfitted with…

2 years ago

WT600S Robot Tank for Off-Road Action

Here is a robot tank that comes with everything you need for programming off-road missions. The WT600S Robot Tank can…

2 years ago

XRC Brawler V2 RC Tracked Vehicle

This is the XRC Brawler V2 : a 1/5th scale high speed RC tank with plenty of power and torque…

2 years ago

Hiwonder Tank Robot Chassis

In order to build your own robot tank, you are going to need a decent chassis. The Hiwonder Tank Robot…

2 years ago

Type-X Robotic Tank from Milrem Robotics

Milrem Robotics shouldn't need any introduction. We have covered plenty of their combat robots here in the past. The Type-X…

3 years ago

Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle from Milrem Robotics

Milrem Robotics is behind many powerful robotic vehicles. Their Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle is designed to serve as a wingman…

4 years ago

SZDoit Robot Tank Chassis for Raspberry Pi, Arduino

So you would like to build your own robot tank with Raspberry Pi or Arduino? This SZDoit Robot Tank Chassis…

4 years ago