
ATeMM Auto Controlled All-Terrain Electric PlatformATeMM Auto Controlled All-Terrain Electric Platform

ATeMM Auto Controlled All-Terrain Electric Platform

This is the ATeMM : an all-terrain electric platform that can be connected to any vehicle with a 3 point…

2 years ago
Mini Vantage Swat RobotMini Vantage Swat Robot

Mini Vantage Swat Robot

Meet the Mini Vantage from Transcend Robotics: a micro robot that can be used for swat, patrol, and other similar…

3 years ago
SpearUAV Ninox 40 Combat Micro DroneSpearUAV Ninox 40 Combat Micro Drone

SpearUAV Ninox 40 Combat Micro Drone

Meet the SpearUAV Ninox 40: a tactical micro drone that can be launched manually or from a standard grenade launcher.…

5 years ago
Dogo Mk II Tactical Armed Reconnaissance RobotDogo Mk II Tactical Armed Reconnaissance Robot

Dogo Mk II Tactical Armed Reconnaissance Robot

Meet the Dogo Mk II robot: a tactical reconnaissance armed robot for special forces and SWAT teams. The robot has…

6 years ago
Vantage Tactical Robot for StandoffsVantage Tactical Robot for Standoffs

Vantage Tactical Robot for Standoffs

Here is another robot that is versatile enough to help in search & rescue, standoffs, and other dangerous situations. The…

6 years ago
Robots Dismantling BombsRobots Dismantling Bombs

Robots Dismantling Bombs

There are millions of unexploded bombs scattered around the globe. Disabling and disposing them is not without risks. Robots are…

6 years ago
HD2 5 Axis Robotic Arm for Tactical BotsHD2 5 Axis Robotic Arm for Tactical Bots

HD2 5 Axis Robotic Arm for Tactical Bots

Meet the HD2 robotic arm: a 5DOF solution for tactical robots with an aluminum construction that can be used to…

7 years ago
ARTI3 Tactical Mobile Robot Platform for SwatARTI3 Tactical Mobile Robot Platform for Swat

ARTI3 Tactical Mobile Robot Platform for Swat

Meet ARTI3: a tactical robot that can be used to develop custom unmanned ground vehicles for swat, emergency response teams,…

8 years ago
SuperDroid Robots LT2-F Tactical RobotSuperDroid Robots LT2-F Tactical Robot

SuperDroid Robots LT2-F Tactical Robot

Meet the SuperDroid Robots LT2-F Tactical Robot: a fully assembled rugged robot with an 8 foot Zippermast that can perform…

9 years ago