star wars

Star Wars Battle Drones [35 mph]Star Wars Battle Drones [35 mph]

Star Wars Battle Drones [35 mph]

So you are a big fan of Star Wars and love flying drones? You may want to check out Star…

8 years ago
Star Wars Force Band for BB-8 App-enabled DroidStar Wars Force Band for BB-8 App-enabled Droid

Star Wars Force Band for BB-8 App-enabled Droid

Remember the BB-8 App-enabled Droid? It is a cute robotic toy for Star Wars fans that recognizes and reacts to…

9 years ago
DIY: Imperial Shuttle DroneDIY: Imperial Shuttle Drone

DIY: Imperial Shuttle Drone

Here is a drone project that should prove active to Star Wars fans. AJWoods has built an Imperial Shuttle Drone…

9 years ago
Star Wars Force Band for Sphero BB-8 DroidStar Wars Force Band for Sphero BB-8 Droid

Star Wars Force Band for Sphero BB-8 Droid

Remember the Sphero BB-8 Droid? It is a cute, app-enabled robot for Star Wars fans. Thanks to the Force Band,…

9 years ago
Arturo: Flying R2D2 QuadcopterArturo: Flying R2D2 Quadcopter

Arturo: Flying R2D2 Quadcopter

We have covered plenty of cool quadcopters here in the past. This Flying R2D2 Quadcopter should prove interesting to Star…

9 years ago
Remote controlled AT-AT Walker via ArduinoRemote controlled AT-AT Walker via Arduino

Remote controlled AT-AT Walker via Arduino

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of awesome Arduino projects. If you are a fan of Star…

9 years ago
DIY: 3D Printed Rey’s Speeder QuadcopterDIY: 3D Printed Rey’s Speeder Quadcopter

DIY: 3D Printed Rey’s Speeder Quadcopter

Here is a RC quadcopter based on Rey's Speeder bike from Star Wars. It was designed in Google SketchUp and…

9 years ago
Star Wars Imperial AT-AT Walker RobotStar Wars Imperial AT-AT Walker Robot

Star Wars Imperial AT-AT Walker Robot

Star Wars has been getting a lot of coverage in the media lately. In fact, many manufacturers have released new…

9 years ago
Motorized, Sound Reacting Star Wars AT-STMotorized, Sound Reacting Star Wars AT-ST

Motorized, Sound Reacting Star Wars AT-ST

What's better than a still Star Wars AT-ST module? A motorized version that can react to sounds. Pardopoz has shared…

9 years ago
Motorized Micro LEGO AT-TEMotorized Micro LEGO AT-TE

Motorized Micro LEGO AT-TE

Here is a LEGO creation that should attract the attention of Star Wars fans. This Micro LEGO AT-TE is motorized and…

10 years ago