
Waveshare RaspRover Raspberry Pi 4B RobotWaveshare RaspRover Raspberry Pi 4B Robot

Waveshare RaspRover Raspberry Pi 4B Robot

This is the Waveshare RaspRover: a Raspberry Pi powered robot that takes your coding to the next level. It comes…

11 months ago
CodeRover ATV & Snowcat Robots for Raspberry Pi, ArduinoCodeRover ATV & Snowcat Robots for Raspberry Pi, Arduino

CodeRover ATV & Snowcat Robots for Raspberry Pi, Arduino

There is no better way to learn coding than programming your own robots. The CodeRover ATV & Snowcat Robots come…

11 months ago
Lunar Dawn LTV: Autonomous Robot for Moon ExplorationLunar Dawn LTV: Autonomous Robot for Moon Exploration

Lunar Dawn LTV: Autonomous Robot for Moon Exploration

Robots are going to help astronauts on the moon and other planets in the future. Many companies are working on…

11 months ago
Tethered Rovers for Collaborative Crater ExplorationTethered Rovers for Collaborative Crater Exploration

Tethered Rovers for Collaborative Crater Exploration

Robots are going to do our planetary exploration missions for us in the future. Plenty of researchers and companies are…

1 year ago
Waveshare Wave Rover Robot Chassis for DIY ProjectsWaveshare Wave Rover Robot Chassis for DIY Projects

Waveshare Wave Rover Robot Chassis for DIY Projects

So you would like to build your own rover? The Waveshare Wave Rover Robot Chassis is worth a look. It…

1 year ago
LoCoBot WX250 ROS Research RoverLoCoBot WX250 ROS Research Rover

LoCoBot WX250 ROS Research Rover

Here is another robot made for more advanced students and researchers. The LoCoBot WX250 is a rover for mapping, navigation,…

2 years ago
TU Delft’s Lunar Zebro Robot with C-shaped LegsTU Delft’s Lunar Zebro Robot with C-shaped Legs

TU Delft’s Lunar Zebro Robot with C-shaped Legs

We have seen plenty of researchers working on perfecting lunar rovers. TU Delft's Lunar Zebro aims to be the first…

3 years ago
DIY Raspberry Pi Rover Inspired by ExoMarsDIY Raspberry Pi Rover Inspired by ExoMars

DIY Raspberry Pi Rover Inspired by ExoMars

There is no better way to learn about robots and coding than building and programming your own. This build-it-yourself Rover…

3 years ago
Leo Rover Developer Kit for Raspberry PiLeo Rover Developer Kit for Raspberry Pi

Leo Rover Developer Kit for Raspberry Pi

Here is another robot kit that helps you run your own experiments. The Leo Rover 4WD Developer Kit is based…

4 years ago
DuAxel: NASA’s Flexible Rover Splits in Two for Moon & Mars ExplorationDuAxel: NASA’s Flexible Rover Splits in Two for Moon & Mars Exploration

DuAxel: NASA’s Flexible Rover Splits in Two for Moon & Mars Exploration

Meet NASA's DuAxel: a flexible robot that can travel long distances and rappel down hard to reach areas. It has…

4 years ago