
This Robot Can Move Objects It’s Never Seen

Robots are getting smarter all the time. They are already getting good at navigating unstructured environments. Researches at MIT CSAIL…

6 years ago

Nuro’s Robots Deliver Groceries to Customers

Shopping groceries is going to be a whole lot more convenient in the future. You will be able to rely…

6 years ago

Stan Robot Valet Creates Extra Parking Spaces

Here is a robotic car parking system that can make life easier for travelers and create extra parking space. Stan…

6 years ago

Georgia Tech’s Surrogate Robot for People with Motor Impairments

Robots are already capable of making life easier for people with disabilities. Georgia Tech researchers have taken it to the…

6 years ago

Alena: Robotic Talking Head for Alexa

Here is a social robot head with 6-axis of motion designed to work with Alexa. Alena can move its head,…

6 years ago

EAI DashGo B1 ROS Robot

Here is another intelligent robot platform with ROS for research and business. The EAI DashGo B1 comes with multiple USB…

6 years ago

This Origami Robot Gripper Can Pick Up Objects of Various Shapes

Here is a soft but strong origami robot hand that can handle objects of various sizes and shapes. Researchers from…

6 years ago

Mindar: Kannon Bodhisattva Robot Shares Buddha’s Teachings

Will robots replace priests and other religious teachers in the future? That remains to be seen. This Kannon Bodhisattva Robot…

6 years ago

MOREbot: 3D Printed STEM Robot

Meet the MOREbot: a 3D printed robot platform with modular components that allows you to teach young students about technology…

6 years ago

PETRA Health Pre-screening Robot Can Detect Signs of Diabetes, Alcoholism, Hypothyroidism

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future, including detecting early signs of certain diseases. Take…

6 years ago