
GDU S400E Drone with 58min Flight TimeGDU S400E Drone with 58min Flight Time

GDU S400E Drone with 58min Flight Time

This is the GDU S400E drone: a compact drone with 3kg payload capacity and take off altitude of 5000m. It…

2 years ago
Powering Quadrotors WirelesslyPowering Quadrotors Wirelessly

Powering Quadrotors Wirelessly

We have covered many cool drones here. None of them are powered wirelessly. Sam M's idea looks brilliant though. It…

8 years ago
This Quadcopter Performs Aggressive Maneuvers AutonomouslyThis Quadcopter Performs Aggressive Maneuvers Autonomously

This Quadcopter Performs Aggressive Maneuvers Autonomously

Here is a quadrotor capable of performing aggressive maneuvers using data from its camera and IMU. As Vijay Kumar explains,…

9 years ago