
Picnic’s Modular Pizza Robot Makes 300 x 12″ Pizzas Per Hour

Robots are going to take over a lot of jobs in the future. They are already capable of cooking and…

5 years ago

This Pizza Making Robot Makes One Every 30 Seconds

Here is another robot that can one day replace humans at restaurants. Developed by a French startup company, this pizza-making…

7 years ago

Soft Robotics Pizza Automation Solution

In the past few months, we have covered how Soft Robotics' soft grippers can be used to automate a variety…

7 years ago

Pakistan’s Female Robot Waitress

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future, including serving foods at restaurants. Take this female…

8 years ago

BeeHex Robots 3D Print Pizza

Here are robots capable of 3D printing custom pizzas for your customers. BeeHex robots can get the job done faster…

9 years ago

Zume Using Robots to Make Pizza

Robots are going to make our food in the future. There are already a bunch of companies exploring ways to…

9 years ago

Domino’s Testing Self-Driving Pizza Delivery Robot

In the future, robots are going to deliver our foods. Domino's is one of many companies exploring this idea. Domino’s…

9 years ago