pick & place

KUKA.PickControl: Robot Software for Conveyor TrackingKUKA.PickControl: Robot Software for Conveyor Tracking

KUKA.PickControl: Robot Software for Conveyor Tracking

Here is a piece of software that makes it easy to coordinate and control multiple robots tending a conveyor belt.…

4 years ago
This Robot Can Move Objects It’s Never SeenThis Robot Can Move Objects It’s Never Seen

This Robot Can Move Objects It’s Never Seen

Robots are getting smarter all the time. They are already getting good at navigating unstructured environments. Researches at MIT CSAIL…

6 years ago
Vecna Robotics’ TRS Wins DHL & Dell Robotics Innovation ChallengeVecna Robotics’ TRS Wins DHL & Dell Robotics Innovation Challenge

Vecna Robotics’ TRS Wins DHL & Dell Robotics Innovation Challenge

Robots are getting quite better at completing tasks autonomously in warehouses and business environments. Vecna Robotics, which is behind innovative…

7 years ago