
Ecovacs N10 MAX+ Robot Vacuum with Advanced Mapping & NavigationEcovacs N10 MAX+ Robot Vacuum with Advanced Mapping & Navigation

Ecovacs N10 MAX+ Robot Vacuum with Advanced Mapping & Navigation

This is the Ecovacs N10 MAX+: a smart robotic vacuum with advanced mapping and navigation that keeps your home clean…

2 years ago
Cloud Navigation: Networked Navigation for RobotsCloud Navigation: Networked Navigation for Robots

Cloud Navigation: Networked Navigation for Robots

Here is a cloud navigation system for mobile self navigation robots that allows them to achieve more efficient cooperative path…

8 years ago
SAMWISE Algorithm for Drone Navigation with No GPSSAMWISE Algorithm for Drone Navigation with No GPS

SAMWISE Algorithm for Drone Navigation with No GPS

Using drones in unmapped, GPS-denied environments is not always straight forward. Draper’s SAMWISE sensor-fusion algorithm can address the problem. It…

8 years ago
Trajectory Optimization for Cooperative Mobile RobotsTrajectory Optimization for Cooperative Mobile Robots

Trajectory Optimization for Cooperative Mobile Robots

Getting multiple robots to collaborate without any accidents is easier said than done. FraunhoferIPA's trajectory optimization system facilitates cooperative robot…

8 years ago
Flying and Walking Robots Collaborating for Navigating Unknown AreasFlying and Walking Robots Collaborating for Navigating Unknown Areas

Flying and Walking Robots Collaborating for Navigating Unknown Areas

Walking robots are getting smarter all the time. Navigating unknown terrain still remains a challenge for them. As the below…

9 years ago