
MekaMon Robot: Smart Augmented Reality BattlebotMekaMon Robot: Smart Augmented Reality Battlebot

MekaMon Robot: Smart Augmented Reality Battlebot

Meet the MekaMon Robot: an augmented reality battlebot with multiple modes that lets you combat against friends and work on…

7 years ago
Arduino Uno Robot Beating High Scores in StackArduino Uno Robot Beating High Scores in Stack

Arduino Uno Robot Beating High Scores in Stack

Stack is an addictive iOS and Android game that involves stacking up blocks as high as you can. You can…

8 years ago
KUBO Educational Robot for 3+ Year Old KidsKUBO Educational Robot for 3+ Year Old Kids

KUBO Educational Robot for 3+ Year Old Kids

Meet KUBO: a cute robot designed to get your children aged 3 or older familiar with coding. This is a…

8 years ago


Meet the BLACK+DECKER SMARTECH Robotic Vacuum: another smart robot that cleans your floors, so you don't have to. It connects…

8 years ago
PowerRay Underwater Robot with FishfinderPowerRay Underwater Robot with Fishfinder

PowerRay Underwater Robot with Fishfinder

Meet PowerRay: an underwater robot with a fishfinder system for fishing enthusiasts. Its sonar system detects fish and sends images…

8 years ago
Mebo Robot with 5-Axis Arm for STEMMebo Robot with 5-Axis Arm for STEM

Mebo Robot with 5-Axis Arm for STEM

Meet Mebo: a cute robot with a 5-axis arm that can grasp, lift, and carry things. It can be controlled…

8 years ago
AirSelfie: Flying Camera In Your Smartphone CaseAirSelfie: Flying Camera In Your Smartphone Case

AirSelfie: Flying Camera In Your Smartphone Case

Meet the AirSelfie: a portable flying camera that fits in a smartphone case and can be controlled using an iOS…

8 years ago
Buzzbot/Muttbot Robot Kit for Kids [STEM]Buzzbot/Muttbot Robot Kit for Kids [STEM]

Buzzbot/Muttbot Robot Kit for Kids [STEM]

Meet the Buzzbot/Muttbot Robot Kit from UBTECH: another cute robot that you can build without any tools and control from…

8 years ago
Shift Drone with Connected Ring ControllerShift Drone with Connected Ring Controller

Shift Drone with Connected Ring Controller

Meet Shift: a drone kit with a wearable controller that lets you use your thumb to control the movement of…

8 years ago
Airblock: Magnetic Programmable Drone, HovercraftAirblock: Magnetic Programmable Drone, Hovercraft

Airblock: Magnetic Programmable Drone, Hovercraft

Meet Airblock: a programmable drone with magnetic components that can be turned into a hovercraft. It has a visual programming…

8 years ago