
Harmony Robotic Exoskeleton for People with Spinal Injuries

Here is a robotic exoskeleton that can give people who have suffered a stroke or other serious conditions their mobility…

6 years ago

Skeletonics Exoskeleton Turns You Into a Giant Robot

Here is a mechanical exoskeleton suit that mimics your movement and doesn't need a battery or motor to work. It…

7 years ago

Winkey: Wearable Robot for People with Facial Paralysis

Meet the Winkey: a wearable robot designed for people with facial paralysis. It has a soft Eyelid Gating Mechanism that…

7 years ago

HAL: Robotic Treatment For Patients With Spinal Cord Injuries

Robots are going to make life a lot easier for amputees and people with spinal cord injuries. Take HAL from…

7 years ago

RECUPERA-Reha Exoskeleton for Robotic Upper Body Assistance

Here is another project that aims to develop a full-body exoskeleton to provide robotic upper body assistance to people who…

7 years ago

ATOUN Model Y Power Assist Suit

Meet the ATOUN Model Y exoskeleton: a power assist suit that can help wearers get things done without putting unnecessary…

7 years ago

Trexo Robotic Exoskeleton for Disabled Kids

Meet Trexo: a robotic exoskeleton designed for kids with cerebral palsy, paraplegia, stroke, spinal cord injury, and other diseases. It…

7 years ago

Guardian XO Powered Exoskeleton

Here is another robot that gives you superpowers. TheĀ Guardian XO is a powered, untethered exoskeleton that increases human strength and…

7 years ago

KULEX ADL Upper-limb Assistant Robotic System for the Disabled

Here is another robotic system that can make life easier for the elderly and disabled. The KULEX ADL consists of…

7 years ago

EXOS Exoskeleton for Robot Teleoperation

Remember the EXOS Exoskeleton: it is a haptic wearable solution for VR and robot teleoperation. It has 6 motors and…

7 years ago