
RobotAnno 6-Axis Educational Robot ArmRobotAnno 6-Axis Educational Robot Arm

RobotAnno 6-Axis Educational Robot Arm

Here is a robot arm designed for people serious about mastering robotics. The RobotAnno is a 6-axis robot arm with…

5 years ago
BYOR (Build Your Own) Cardboard Robot Dog KitBYOR (Build Your Own) Cardboard Robot Dog Kit

BYOR (Build Your Own) Cardboard Robot Dog Kit

There is no better way to learn about robots and technology concepts in general than building your own robots. This…

6 years ago
WeDraw-Eggy Drawing Robot Teaches Kids Math, EnglishWeDraw-Eggy Drawing Robot Teaches Kids Math, English

WeDraw-Eggy Drawing Robot Teaches Kids Math, English

Here is another educational robot that teaches kids new things. The WeDraw-Eggy Drawing Robot is ideal for kids 3 to…

6 years ago
Maqueen Programmable Mini RobotMaqueen Programmable Mini Robot

Maqueen Programmable Mini Robot

Meet the Maqueen: a tiny programmable robot with a graphical interface for STEM education. It has an all metal mini…

6 years ago
Robobo Educational Robot for Your SmartphoneRobobo Educational Robot for Your Smartphone

Robobo Educational Robot for Your Smartphone

Here is another educational robot that combines with your smartphone to help you learn the basics of robot programming. It…

7 years ago
Fischertechnik BT Smart Beginner Educational KitFischertechnik BT Smart Beginner Educational Kit

Fischertechnik BT Smart Beginner Educational Kit

Here is another educational kit with everything your kids need to build 12 models. The Fischertechnik BT Smart Beginner kit…

7 years ago
Highgo Programmable Robot for KidsHighgo Programmable Robot for Kids

Highgo Programmable Robot for Kids

Here is another robot kit that teaches kids the basics of programming. The Highgo robot comes with 289 blocks and…

7 years ago
LittleBot Plus Robot Kit for KidsLittleBot Plus Robot Kit for Kids

LittleBot Plus Robot Kit for Kids

Here is another STEM kit that helps you get your kids familiar with robotics and coding. The LittleBot Plus Robot…

7 years ago
Thymio Educational Robot with Visual ProgrammingThymio Educational Robot with Visual Programming

Thymio Educational Robot with Visual Programming

Meet the Thymio Educational Robot: another STEM kit with visual programming to get your kids started in robotics and coding.…

8 years ago
Meccano M.A.X Interactive STEM RobotMeccano M.A.X Interactive STEM Robot

Meccano M.A.X Interactive STEM Robot

Meet the Meccano M.A.X: an interactive STEM robot developed to get your children familiar with basic technology and programming concepts.…

8 years ago