
RE2 Robotics Performing Robotic Disaster Clean-upRE2 Robotics Performing Robotic Disaster Clean-up

RE2 Robotics Performing Robotic Disaster Clean-up

There are plenty of robots capable of completing tasks in case of a disaster. RE2 Robotics is using its Rapid…

6 years ago
Honda E2-DR Disaster Response Robot with Bipedal & Quadrupedal WalkingHonda E2-DR Disaster Response Robot with Bipedal & Quadrupedal Walking

Honda E2-DR Disaster Response Robot with Bipedal & Quadrupedal Walking

Robots can be wonderful tools to have around in case of a natural or manmade disaster. The Honda E2-DR Disaster…

7 years ago
Sakura-1 Robot for Dangerous AreasSakura-1 Robot for Dangerous Areas

Sakura-1 Robot for Dangerous Areas

Robots are going to make our lives a whole lot easier in the future. They are already being used in…

9 years ago
Sakura No. 2 Disaster-Response RobotSakura No. 2 Disaster-Response Robot

Sakura No. 2 Disaster-Response Robot

Meet Sakura No. 2  from Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Ltd. and the Chiba Institute of Technology. A disaster-response robot that can operate…

9 years ago