brain controlled

This Brain Controlled Exoskeleton Lets Paralyzed People Walk AgainThis Brain Controlled Exoskeleton Lets Paralyzed People Walk Again

This Brain Controlled Exoskeleton Lets Paralyzed People Walk Again

Here is an advanced exoskeleton with brain-machine interface that lets paralyzed people walk again. In fact, a 28-year-old quadraplegic recently…

5 years ago
Kinova Jaco2 Robot Controlled via Brain-Computer InterfaceKinova Jaco2 Robot Controlled via Brain-Computer Interface

Kinova Jaco2 Robot Controlled via Brain-Computer Interface

Brain controlled robots are nothing new. We have covered a bunch of interesting projects in that area in the past.…

6 years ago
DIY: Brain Controlled Robot Hand for Under $2KDIY: Brain Controlled Robot Hand for Under $2K

DIY: Brain Controlled Robot Hand for Under $2K

Brain-controlled robot hands are nothing new. We have covered a bunch of them that can make life easier for amputees…

6 years ago
This Brain Controlled Exoskeleton Hand Lets Quadriplegics Move ObjectsThis Brain Controlled Exoskeleton Hand Lets Quadriplegics Move Objects

This Brain Controlled Exoskeleton Hand Lets Quadriplegics Move Objects

Here is a brain controlled exoskeleton hand that helps quadriplegics and people with serious injuries manipulate objects with their brain.…

8 years ago