
EPFL’s RAVEN Robot Bird with Multifunctional LegsEPFL’s RAVEN Robot Bird with Multifunctional Legs

EPFL’s RAVEN Robot Bird with Multifunctional Legs

Researchers are always learning from nature to improve their designs. EPFL researchers have developed RAVEN by mimicking birds' ability to…

3 months ago
FROW Rotary Wing Drone with Midair Wingspan ChangeFROW Rotary Wing Drone with Midair Wingspan Change

FROW Rotary Wing Drone with Midair Wingspan Change

 Here is a drone with a rotary wing that can fold and expand during flight. It is designed by…

9 months ago
SNAG Bird Inspired Robotic Leg for DronesSNAG Bird Inspired Robotic Leg for Drones

SNAG Bird Inspired Robotic Leg for Drones

In the past few years, we have covered a whole host of nature inspired robots and drones here. SNAG is…

3 years ago
Festo BionicSwift Agile Robot BirdFesto BionicSwift Agile Robot Bird

Festo BionicSwift Agile Robot Bird

Meet the Festo BionicSwift: an agile robotic bird that can fly nimbly and make tight turns. These robotic swallows can…

4 years ago
EPFL’s Raptor-inspired Drone with Feathered Wings & TailEPFL’s Raptor-inspired Drone with Feathered Wings & Tail

EPFL’s Raptor-inspired Drone with Feathered Wings & Tail

Here is a raptor-inspired drone with morphing wing and tail that can achieve superior flight agility. According to EPFL engineers,…

4 years ago
BionicBird MetaFly: Biomimetic RC Toy That Flies Like a BirdBionicBird MetaFly: Biomimetic RC Toy That Flies Like a Bird

BionicBird MetaFly: Biomimetic RC Toy That Flies Like a Bird

Meet the MetaFly: a biomimetic RC toy that exhibits nature-like flying behavior. It can be indoors and outside easily with…

5 years ago
PigeonBot: This Robotic Pigeon Flies Like a Real BirdPigeonBot: This Robotic Pigeon Flies Like a Real Bird

PigeonBot: This Robotic Pigeon Flies Like a Real Bird

Robotic birds are nothing new. But not many of them can change their wing shape to fly with more agility.…

5 years ago
Wind Rider Robotic BirdWind Rider Robotic Bird

Wind Rider Robotic Bird

Meet the Wing Rider: a flying robot that flaps its wings like a real bird. The robot glides with wind…

6 years ago
Purdue’s Hummingbird RobotPurdue’s Hummingbird Robot

Purdue’s Hummingbird Robot

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of awesome bio-inspired robots here. Purdue's Hummingbird Robot is also worth…

6 years ago
Bird of Prey Inspired Dynamic Grasping for DronesBird of Prey Inspired Dynamic Grasping for Drones

Bird of Prey Inspired Dynamic Grasping for Drones

In nature, we can find plenty of examples of birds capturing moving prey off the ground or in water. As…

7 years ago