bionic arm

Baking with a Hero Bionic Arm

The Hero Arm shouldn't need any introduction. It is a multi-grip prosthetic arm that helps amputees live an independent life.…

4 years ago

This Gamer Got a Metal Gear Solid Bionic Arm

Remember the Hero Arm? It is a robotic prosthetic arm with 8kg lifting capacity that can make life easier for…

4 years ago

LUKE Brain Controlled Prosthetic Arm Can Sense Touch

Meet the LUKE Arm: a motorized prosthetic arm that mimics the way the human hand touches and feels objects. The…

6 years ago

HACKberry Open Source Bionic Arm

Remember HACKberry: it is an open source bionic arm project that aims to make the technology accessible to more people.…

8 years ago

Max-Bionic Affordable 3D Printed Bionic Arm

Meet Max-Bionic: a 3D printed bionic arm that can make life easier for lots of people. Maxim Lyashko and his…

8 years ago

LUKE Robotic Prosthetic Arm Now Available to Veterans

Remember the LUKE Arm? It is a FDA-approved robotic prosthetic arm with flexibility and strength to make life easier for…

8 years ago

Tying Shoelaces Using HACKberry 3D Printed Bionic Arm

HACKberry is a wonderful 3D printable bionic arm platform that could make life easier for a lot of people. Developers…

8 years ago

Touch Bionics i-limb quantum Prosthetic Hand

Meet the Touch Bionics i-limb quantum hand: a bionic hand that can make life a lot easier for a lot…

8 years ago

Open Bionics Working on Deus Ex Inspired Bionic Hands

Robotic prosthetic hands and legs can make life easier for a lot of people. Unfortunately, they are not affordable. It…

9 years ago

HACKberry: Open Source 3D Printed Bionic Arm

Here is a 3D printed bionic arm that could make life easier for a lot of folks. Developers and artificial…

9 years ago