
KUKA KMP 1500: Smart Autonomous Mobile PlatformKUKA KMP 1500: Smart Autonomous Mobile Platform

KUKA KMP 1500: Smart Autonomous Mobile Platform

Meet the KUKA KMP 1500: an autonomous, smart mobile platform with SLAM capability using laser scanners. It has mecanum wheels…

8 years ago
REMUS 100 Autonomous Underwater VehicleREMUS 100 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

REMUS 100 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Meet the REMUS 100: an underwater vehicle with autonomous features that can dive to depths up to 100 meters. It…

8 years ago
RB-SHERPA Robot Autonomously Follows YouRB-SHERPA Robot Autonomously Follows You

RB-SHERPA Robot Autonomously Follows You

Meet the RB-SHERPA: a smart mobile robot for indoor and outside tasks that can autonomously follow its operator. It has…

8 years ago
Smallest Self-Driving Raspberry Pi Car?Smallest Self-Driving Raspberry Pi Car?

Smallest Self-Driving Raspberry Pi Car?

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of cool Raspberry Pi projects. This one from Ogma is a…

8 years ago
DIY: n3m0 3D Printed Autonomous BoatDIY: n3m0 3D Printed Autonomous Boat

DIY: n3m0 3D Printed Autonomous Boat

There is no better way to learn robotics, machine learning, and electronics than building your own things. The n3m0 Autonomous…

8 years ago
EHang 184 Flying Taxi in DubaiEHang 184 Flying Taxi in Dubai

EHang 184 Flying Taxi in Dubai

Flying taxis are coming in Dubai. EHang and the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority have partnered to introduce the EHang…

8 years ago
DIY: Autonomous Line Follower RobotDIY: Autonomous Line Follower Robot

DIY: Autonomous Line Follower Robot

So you would like to build your own autonomous line following robot? EZ-Robot has you covered. It involves using a…

8 years ago
Autonomous “Follow Me” Cooler with ArduinoAutonomous “Follow Me” Cooler with Arduino

Autonomous “Follow Me” Cooler with Arduino

So you are trying of dragging your cooler behind you by hand? Why not make an autonomous one that can…

8 years ago
Autonomously Controlled ‘Capsule Robot’ for ColonoscopyAutonomously Controlled ‘Capsule Robot’ for Colonoscopy

Autonomously Controlled ‘Capsule Robot’ for Colonoscopy

Thinking about colonoscopy makes many of us nervous but it is a necessary procedure that may save your life down…

8 years ago
Travelmate Robotic Autonomous SuitcaseTravelmate Robotic Autonomous Suitcase

Travelmate Robotic Autonomous Suitcase

Meet the Travelmate suitcase: an autonomous robotic suitcase that follows you everywhere you go. It has various sensors to avoid…

8 years ago