
Hortum machina, B Autonomous Robotic GardenHortum machina, B Autonomous Robotic Garden

Hortum machina, B Autonomous Robotic Garden

Here is an autonomous robotic garden that uses sensors to detect the state of individual plants. It changes orientation and…

8 years ago
Intelligent Autonomous Transport Vehicle by NEXIntelligent Autonomous Transport Vehicle by NEX

Intelligent Autonomous Transport Vehicle by NEX

Here is an autonomous transportation vehicle with sensors and actuators that can get around the campus autonomously. NEX Robotics designed…

8 years ago
Komatsu Autonomous Haulage Vehicle for MiningKomatsu Autonomous Haulage Vehicle for Mining

Komatsu Autonomous Haulage Vehicle for Mining

Meet the Komatsu Autonomous Haulage Vehicle: an innovative solution designed to improve productivity at mines and perform in challenging conditions.…

8 years ago
Nissan ProPILOT Autonomous ChairNissan ProPILOT Autonomous Chair

Nissan ProPILOT Autonomous Chair

Here is an autonomous chair designed by Nissan for people who hate waiting in a queue. The ProPILOT chair automatically…

8 years ago
UPS Working on Drones for Commercial Delivery To Remote LocationsUPS Working on Drones for Commercial Delivery To Remote Locations

UPS Working on Drones for Commercial Delivery To Remote Locations

UPS and many other companies are interested in using drones to deliver packages. In fact, UPS and CyPhy are already…

8 years ago
Autonomous Robotic Stone StackingAutonomous Robotic Stone Stacking

Autonomous Robotic Stone Stacking

Here is a robot capable of stacking stones autonomously. As aslteam explains, a robotic manipulator was used to construct balancing…

9 years ago
Ghost Minitaur Robot Climbs Stairs, FencesGhost Minitaur Robot Climbs Stairs, Fences

Ghost Minitaur Robot Climbs Stairs, Fences

Meet the Ghost Minitaur: a medium-sized legged robot capable of negotiating rough terrain, opening doors, climbing fences, and jumping over…

9 years ago
This Quadcopter Performs Aggressive Maneuvers AutonomouslyThis Quadcopter Performs Aggressive Maneuvers Autonomously

This Quadcopter Performs Aggressive Maneuvers Autonomously

Here is a quadrotor capable of performing aggressive maneuvers using data from its camera and IMU. As Vijay Kumar explains,…

9 years ago
RBCAR Autonomous Urban RobotRBCAR Autonomous Urban Robot

RBCAR Autonomous Urban Robot

Meet the RBCAR: an autonomous mobile robot capable of carrying a heavy loads. With its configurable set of sensors, the…

9 years ago
Robovan: Vans with Autonomous Delivery RobotsRobovan: Vans with Autonomous Delivery Robots

Robovan: Vans with Autonomous Delivery Robots

Meet Robovan: a transportation system consisting of vans with autonomous delivery robots from Starship Technologies. These vans can drive to…

9 years ago