
Boston Dynamics Santa Robot Does BackflipsBoston Dynamics Santa Robot Does Backflips

Boston Dynamics Santa Robot Does Backflips

We have already seen Boston Dynamics' robots pull of plenty of impressive moves. The electric Atlas is pretty agile too.…

3 months ago
Boston Dynamics Retires Atlas Hydraulic Humanoid RobotBoston Dynamics Retires Atlas Hydraulic Humanoid Robot

Boston Dynamics Retires Atlas Hydraulic Humanoid Robot

Remembers the Atlas robot? It is a hydraulic humanoid robot that starred in a bunch of viral videos. The company…

11 months ago
Boston Dynamics’ Atlas Robot Can Grab, Manipulate ObjectsBoston Dynamics’ Atlas Robot Can Grab, Manipulate Objects

Boston Dynamics’ Atlas Robot Can Grab, Manipulate Objects

Atlas from Boston Dynamics is one of the most impressive robots we have seen. It is capable of performing a…

2 years ago