
Programmable-Air Arduino Kit for Soft Robots

Here is a kit that lets you get serious about pneumatics and inflatables. Programmable Air comes with a pressure sensor,…

6 years ago

DIY: Face Tracking Robot Mannequin Head with Raspberry Pi & Arduino

There is no better way to learn robotics and electronics than building and programming your own robots. mrbigbusiness has shared…

6 years ago

Arduino Programmable Self Balancing Robot Bike

So you are passionate about self balancing robots? Thanks to this Arduino Programmable Self Balancing Robot Bike, you will be…

6 years ago

Youbionic Hand: 3D Printed Arduino Robotic Hand

There is no better way to learn robotics and electronics than building and programming your own robots. The Youbionic Hand…

6 years ago

ArtecRobo Programmable Arduino Robot Kit

Here is a kit that has everything you need to build your own Arduino robot. The ArtecRobo Robot Kit comes…

6 years ago

Balboa 32U4 Arduino Compatible Balancing Robot

Here is a cool robot that can pop itself up and move around while keeping its body balanced. The Balboa…

6 years ago

Braccio Arduino Robotic Arm

Meet the Braccio robotic arm: an Arduino robot that can handle various objects on the end of its arm. It…

6 years ago

4DOF 3D Printed Robotic Third Arm with Arduino

In the past few years, we have covered a bunch of cool robotic upper limbs here. This 3D Printed Robotic…

6 years ago

Yahboom 6WD Off-Road Arduino Robot

Here is another off-road robot ready for Arduino programming. The Yahboom 6WD Off-Road Robot comes with a suspension system to…

6 years ago

Laser Time Writer Robot with Arduino

So you are looking for a clock that stands out? This Laser Time Writer Robot is worth a look. It writes…

6 years ago