
Dyana Dynamic Animatronic Robot

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of amazing animatronic robots here. The Dyana project is quite special…

4 years ago

TechArtStudios’ Sound Reactive Animatronic Head

Here is an animatronic head with audio output that reacts to the tune of your music. The TechArtStudios Animatronic Head…

5 years ago

EarGear: App Controlled Animatronic Ears

Here is a cool pair of animatronic ears with Bluetooth that you can control from your smartphone. EarGear can twitch…

6 years ago

Terminator 2 T-800 Animatronic Endoskeleton Arm with PC Motion Programming

Remember T-800's robot arm from the Terminator movie? You can now bring an animatronic version of it home. It is…

6 years ago

The Doorman: Motion Activated Animatronic Face with Arduino

There is no better way to learn robotics and technology than building and programming your own bots. The Doorman is…

7 years ago

Creature Head Open Animatronics Kit

So you would like to build your own robotic creatures? The Creature Head Open Animatronics Kit has you covered. It…

7 years ago

Baby Bastion: 3D Printed Overwatch Inspired Animatronic Puppet

There is no better way to get started as a maker than building your own things and 3D printing their…

8 years ago

GHP’s Expressive Robo Lincoln

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of cool animatronic humanoid robots and animals. This expressive Robo Lincoln…

8 years ago

Modular Animatronic Robotic Eye

Anybody who has been involved in animatronics projects in the past knows a lot of works goes into putting various…

8 years ago

Animatronic Robotic Human Hand [6DOF]

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of cool projects from Animatronic Robotics. This one involves a robotic…

9 years ago