
Onyx NAUT + Ghost Vision 60 Amphibious Quadruped Robot

This is the Onyx NAUT: a modular amphibious system that can be used on quadruped robots for more challenging missions.…

4 days ago

AmphiSAW Bio-Inspired Amphibious Robot

Meet the AmphiSAW: an amphibious robot inspired by nature that can swim among fish without intimidating them. Developed at the…

2 years ago

iFROG Amphibious Robot for Offshore Inspection

Meet the iFROG: an amphibious robot designed to take on offshore inspection and maintenance tasks. It can clean and inspect…

4 years ago

Atlas J8 XTR Amphibious Robot with Max Payload of 1250lb

Meet the Atlas J8 XTR: an amphibious platform capable of carrying heavy loads. It has a footprint of 61 x…

8 years ago

Fin: Prosthetic Leg for the Pool & Land

Meet the Fin: a prosthetic leg that allows amputees to go from land into the water and back without any…

8 years ago

SuperDroid Robots Amphibious 4WD WiFi Robot

Here is an amphibious robot from SuperDroid Robots with WiFi that can navigate land and water easily. It floats and…

8 years ago

Warthog UGV: Amphibious Outdoor Robot for Research

Here is a UGV capable of traveling on land and in water for outdoor research. The Warthog UGV can negotiate…

8 years ago

SR Amphibious 4WD WiFi Robot Navigates Land & Water

Here is another amphibious robot from SuperDroid robots with WiFi functionality. It ships programmed and fully assembled. This Amphibious 4WD…

8 years ago

Autonomous Amphibious Robot AAR [Test]

Meet the AAR: an autonomous amphibious robot with a rocker-bogie design that uses two jet drives for water propulsion. The…

9 years ago