
Open5x: Affordable 5-axis 3D PrintingOpen5x: Affordable 5-axis 3D Printing

Open5x: Affordable 5-axis 3D Printing

3D printers have come a long way over the years. Traditional models still have some limitations, including models with visible…

3 years ago
Mebo Robot with 5-Axis Arm for STEMMebo Robot with 5-Axis Arm for STEM

Mebo Robot with 5-Axis Arm for STEM

Meet Mebo: a cute robot with a 5-axis arm that can grasp, lift, and carry things. It can be controlled…

8 years ago
LT-FREE 5-axis Laser CutterLT-FREE 5-axis Laser Cutter

LT-FREE 5-axis Laser Cutter

Meet the LT-FREE 5-axis Laser Cutter: a versatile solution that can handle 3D parts, bent or pre-assembled tubes, and flat…

9 years ago