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Using Drones To Collect DNA from Tree Branches


Drones are going to do many things for us in the future, including collecting DNA samples in nature for research. This video shows an aerial robot that lands on tree branches to collect samples. It has a force sensing cage and haptic-based control.

XGO-mini2 12DOF AI Robot Dog with RPi CM4


This is the XGO-mini2: a 12DOF AI robot dog powered by a Raspberry Pi CM4 with 6D posture control that can move in all directions. You can program this robot with Blockly and Python. This robot has an IMU posture self-stabilization function. You can teach it new moves by hand.

The XGO-mini2 is ready for app and PC control. It lasts up to 2 hours. It has an aircraft aluminum construction. It is ready for face/speech recognition and other AI functions.


Geek Smart L7 WiFi Robot Vacuum & Mop with LDS


This is the Geek Smart L7: a WiFi connected robot vacuum and mop with LDS navigation that cleans your floors without you having to break a sweat. This app controlled robot has 2700pa of suction power and runs for 130 minutes on battery. It supports selective room cleaning.

The Geek Smart L7 supports no-go zones, no-mop zones, and invisible walls, so you can easily control where and when your robot cleans. The L7 can save up to 4 map levels.

[where to get it]

HIWONDER JetAuto ROS Robot Car with Jetson Nano

JetAuto ROS Robot Car Powered by Jetson Nano with Lidar Depth Camera Touch Screen

Here is another advanced robot car with mecanum wheels designed to take your coding skills to the next level. The HIWONDER JetAuto is an ROS robot car with an IMU sensor that detects robot’s posture in real-time. You can control this robot with your iOS or Android device.

This robot ships with video courses as well as a SLAMTEC A1 LiDAR, ORBBEC Astra Pro depth camera, and mecanum wheels. It is ready for Python programming. The battery lasts up to 60 minutes. You can find out more about it here.

[where to get it]

Boston Dynamics’ Atlas Robot Can Grab, Manipulate Objects


Atlas from Boston Dynamics is one of the most impressive robots we have seen. It is capable of performing a variety of tasks. In this video, you can see how it can use its arms to grab and move objects. Atlas interacts with objects and modifies its course to reach its goal.

Prisma Lab Gripper for Installing, Removing Bird Diverters


Here is a prototype gripper that can be used with UAVs to install or remove bird diverters. These devices are used to reduce bird strikes on power lines. They are usually installed by people from helicopters or directly on the power lines.

This Robot Can Serve Tea/Coffee Faster without Any Spill


Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. We have already covered a few of them that can make and serve tea and coffee. Researchers at the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) have come up with a model that enables robots to serve tea and coffee faster than humans.

Xorbis Sketcher X Artistic Humanoid Robot


This is the Xorbis Sketcher X: a humanoid robot that can draw sketches of humans. It is designed to have a conversation with people as it draws their portraits. Sketcher X reinterprets the conversation and reflects the mood on the image. The below video shows it in action:


This Robot Has a Sense of Smell


Here is a robot that uses a biological sensor to smell things around it. Developed by Tel Aviv University researchers, this robot can recognize and respond to odors it senses. The electrical signals are recorded and used to determine which actions to take.

Paul Indoor Security Robot (Android-based)


This is Paul: an indoor security robot with LiDAR, full-HD infrared rotating camera with night vision, and security alarm. It is Android based and has 360-degree coverage. It has manual and auto charging capability. Paul supports cloud memory storage but also supports memory cards.

This robot lasts up to 9 hours on battery. Paul weighs 70kg, measuring 1.26m tall. It can move freely on any type of flat surface. Paul is compatible with third party apps. It has an API/SDK for development.

[where to find it]

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