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JISIWEI S+: Vacuum Cleaning Robot + Camera + WiFi



Meet the JISIWEI S+: a vacuum cleaning robot that cleans your floor and lets you keep an eye on your home. The robot has a built-in camera and WiFi, so you can interact with it from your smartphone. It offers dual-mode anti-scratching system, auto-recharging, and 7cleaning paths. You can use the camera and the app to record and view videos. With smart motion detection, your robot lets you know when it detects unexpected motion.

Robotic Thermal Spray Automation


robot thermal spray

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. They are already being used in manufacturing environments to get things done. These videos show robotic thermal spray automation systems in action:

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Robotic Thermal Spray Automation

ABB Robotics - Thermal Spraying with Praxair TAFA

The thermal spray process has been around since the early 1900s, but thanks to robots, humans won’t have to do the tough job. With robots becoming more sophisticated and cheaper, they will take on many more jobs like this.

Modular Soft Robotic Gripper


modular soft robot

Robots moving objects may look easy but it takes serious research and development to pull it off. This Modular Soft Robotic Gripper can lift a wide variety of objects without damaging them. As you can see in the below video, the robot is capable of lifting eggs, papers, cups, pens, and other delicate items.

A Modular Soft Robotic Gripper

Like what you see? You can find out more in this MIT paper.

PRIMER-V2: Robot Riding Bicycle Like a Pro


robot riding bicycle

Here is a cool robot that can ride a bicycle like a pro. The PRIMER-V2 can reach a speed of 6 mph and rides its small bike in a human-like fashion. As you can see in the below video, the robot also waves to spectators:

PRIMER-V2 - Robot Riding a Bicycle like a Boss

Other versions of this robot have been released over the past few years. You can find out more here.

Cannybots: Robot Toys You Can Program From Smartphones / Tablets



Meet the Cannybot: a smart toy that you can program and control from your smartphone or tablet. You can build it like LEGO and drive it like a slot car. The Cannybot can reach a straight line speed of up to 4ft/sec. Upgrade the motor to achieve faster results.

DLR Hand Arm System



Meet the DLR Hand Arm System: a robot system that uses two arms to manipulate objects. It uses image processing and point cloud processing to locate the object. The left arm picks the object, while the hand equipped with two finger tactile sensors, detects the object and triggers the grasping process. The right arm grabs the object using a simple closing commend. An impedance controller allows the robot to hold the object properly.

Easy Drone XL Pro: Modular Drone w/ 45 Flight Time


easy drone xl

There are plenty of fancy drones available on the market. You can’t fly most of them more than 20 minutes on a full battery. The Easy Drone XL Pro is different. It is a modular drone that you can fly for up to 45 minutes on a full charge. It has a 28″ frame but still fits in a backpack easily. Easy Drone XL Pro can lift a pro camera on a gimbal with a max weight of 3 lbs.

Robo Wunderkind: Robotics & Coding Kit for Kids



Meet the Robo Wunderkind: an educational kit designed to get your kids familiar with robots and coding. It comes with smart cubes that you can attach in various ways to build fun, smart robots. It not only has a modular design, it is LEGO compatible.

DIY: Bomb Disposal Robot


bomb disposal robot

We have covered a bunch of bomb disposal robots in the past. They are not cheap or accessible to everyone. You could always build a simple one on your own though. has published a guide on Instructables that shows you how to do just that. This cell-phone controlled robot has camera, drilling, and audio systems. It also has a 6-axis robotic arm.

More information is available here.

FLYBi: Drone w/ Virtual Reality Goggles



Meet the FLYBi: a smart drone designed to capture 1080p video in the air. It has onboard WiFi and memory to make your life easier. You also get a wrist-worn controller. The goggles track your movement and provide you with an immersive flight. This autonomous drone is easy to get a handle on. It stays focused on you to capture all the action.

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