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Samsung Techwin STAR UGV


star hd

Meet the Samsung Techwin STAR UGV: an autonomous robot with 4-wheel independent driving technology that can detect its surrounding environment and use the data it has to find its way to its destination. These robots could be used for security and other purposes.

Laundroid: Laundry-folding Robot



Meet the Laundroid: a laundry-folding robot that can fold T-shirts automatically. When you put your shirt inside the robot, it recognizes the type of clothing and uses its robot arms to begin folding it. Seven Dreamers Laboratories is expected to sell Laundroid to nursing care facilities from 2018.

Robots Cooking Ramen


robots ramen

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. They are already capable of cooking food and doing work in the kitchen. The below video shows a group of robots cooking Ramen. The robots are a few years old, so they are probably even more capable these days:

FA-men: The robots cook ramen, Japanese noodles in Oosu Nagoya


Omron Ping Pong Robot [Video]


omron ping pong robot

Table tennis robots have been around for quite some time. They keep getting better though. ARMdevices.net has posted a video that shows an improved version of the Omron Ping Pong Robot.

Makerarm Robot Used for iPhone 6 Unboxing


makearm robot

Remember Makerarm? It is a robotic arm for 3D printing, carving, and manipulating objects. As we covered earlier this week, the robot is designed with makers in mind. Did you know that you could use a robot like this for unboxing projects?

Bedfellow Robot Bed [Arduino]


robot bed

Here is a bed that can move you around in your home autonomously. The Bedfellow Robot Bed drives with a sustained 8 horsepower of force and can carry up to 12 people. It is designed to support up to 3000 lbs worth of weight. The bed is controlled by an Arduino Mega.

littleBits Electronics Gizmos & Gadgets Kit for Young Inventors



Meet the littleBits Electronics Gizmos & Gadgets Kit: an educational kit designed to teach your children a thing or two about the world of electronics. It comes with 15 modules and 10 accessories as well instructions for 12 projects. The kit can be used to build a MegaBlaster, BubbleBot, Wireless Doorbell, Spy Box, and other fun inventions.

Wireless Chess Board Powered by Arduino


wireless arduino chess board

Here is a wireless chess board that lets you play against others around the world without having to look at a screen. It has a real board and pieces but uses an Arduino system to move the pieces. The below videos show what you can do with this fun chess board:

Arduino-Compatible Drawing Robot


arduino drawwing bot

In the past few months, we have covered a bunch of cool Arduino robots. Robots drawing things is nothing new. You could even build your own with Arduino. MakersBox has posted a video that shows you how to do just that. You are going to need an Adafruit Pro Trinket, a 5V stepper, a Micro servo, a ULN2803 Darlington Driver, and a few other parts to get started.

Wall Climbing Cars Defy Gravity


Wall Climbing Cars

RC cars have been around for some time. Not all of them are capable of climbing walls though. These Wall Climbing Cars are different. Just stick them to the ceiling or wall, and you are set. You get a dual stick controller to interact with your car. You can move these cars left, right, forwards and back.

The above video gives you a better idea how well these RC cars perform. More information is available here.

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