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PHIRO: LEGO Compatible Educational Robot



Meet the PHIRO Pro: an educational robot that your children can program and control wirelessly. It relies on a visual programming interface for your kids to get started. The platform is developed to improve better problem solving skills and computational thinking.

Soft Robot Cube w/ Controllable Jumping


soft robot cube

Here is a soft robot cube capable of continuous jumping. It has on-board controller, battery, and sensors to keep jumping. The soft body protects the robot from impact on landing. It uses a stator-rotor system to charge and release the mechanical energy. The below video shows this robot in action:

RobotGeek Snapper Arduino Robotic Arm


robotgeek arm

Here is a robotic arm based on an open source platform that helps you get started with Arduino and robotics. Th  RobotGeek Snapper Arduino Robotic Arm has a modular design, so you can add parts, sensors, and additional components. It has a control panel that lets you control your robot right out of the box.

R2-D2 Moving Refrigerator Robot



Here is a moving refrigerator that keeps your drinks cool and moves around. It has a remote control, allowing you to interact with your mini fridge. The below videos shows this moving R2-D2 refrigerator in action:

The bad news? This is going to cost you a ton of money.


Teforia Tea Making Robot



Here is an intelligent tea maker that can brew various teas properly. Teforia has an elegant design and connects to your phone to let you customize its recipes. The infuser can read tea packages to choose the right recipe. It knows the exact time, temperature, and water needed to brew the perfect cup.

TheMotionKit: Educational Kit for Computerized Motion



Here is another educational kit for those of you interested in electronics. TheMotionKit is developed to teach you computerized motion. It has 7 motion blocks that you can assemble easily. It teaches beginners the basics of motion while makers get to learn more about CNC.

TheMotionKit helps you better understand the complexities of motion. It will launch on Kickstarter in November.

ELFi Big Robot: DIY LEGO Robot + Android



In the past few months, we have covered plenty of cool robots for kids. ELFi robots look a lot of fun to play with as well. We are talking about DIY robots built with LEGO, Arduino, and other parts. They are app-enabled. ELFi Big happens to be a sophisticated robot that can dance, fight, and navigate. It has external speakers and a projector, so you can use it as a telepresence robot. Like what you see? You may want to check this project on Kickstarter.


StarlETH Dog Robot Negotiates Uneven Terrain Autonomously



Here is a dog robot capable of negotiating rough terrain autonomously. It has integrated springs that work like muscles and tendons in humans and animals. The robot is programmed to balance itself step by step by planning where to step on the ground.

MotoBot Motorcycle-riding Robot


motobot robot

Meet MotoBot: a motorcycle-riding humanoid robot that Yamaha is working on with the goal of making it capable of riding an unmodified motorcycle on a racetrack at more than 200 km/h. Of course, developing such a robot comes with many challenges. Controlling the complex motions of a motorcycle at such high speeds requires an advanced robotic control system.

DIY: App-controlled Spinning Skull



So you want to build something special for Halloween? You may want to try spinning skull project. It is powered by MediaTek LinkIt ONE and can be controlled using a simple web app. You can move the head and change the color of the LED in the skull.

Halloween - Spinning Skull controlled by Web app - powered by LinkIt ONE

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