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LattePanda: Single Board Windows 10 Computer for Robots



Meet LattePanda: a single board full Windows 10 computer with a quad-core 1.8 GHz processor, up to 4 GB of RAM, and 64 GB of storage. The board also has WiFi, Bluetooth, USB 3.0, and an onboard Arduino processor.  LattePanda can be used for IoT projects, robots, home automation, and other projects.

Robots Assembling Tablets


assembling tablet robot

Many of us use tablets and smartphones to get things done these days. You are not going to need people to assemble these devices. As this video by the Japan Times shows, robotic systems can be used to assemble tablet and other handheld computers:

LaserPipe: In-bore Laser Welding Using Snake-arm Robots


laser pipe

Robots are going to take on difficult tasks for us in the future. Plenty of businesses are already using robots to operate efficiently. LaserPipe explores the idea of using a snake-arm robot and high-powered lasers for in-bore pipe welding. Such a robotic system works in confined spaces and hazardous situations.

Bookworm Interactive Robot Holds Your Books


bookworm robot

Here is a fun robot that holds your books, so you don’t have to. Bookworm keeps your book open and follows you as you move around. The below video from Interactive Architecture Lab shows how this robot performs:

SPENCER Robot Guiding Travelers


group robot

Robots will serve as your guides in the future. There are already robots that can make life easier for your customers. This video shows a SPENCER robot guiding a group of travelers to drop them off at a predefined destination. Such a robot can be used at airports to pick up passengers with short connection times at their gate and guide them over up to 800 meters.

Fanuc Robotic Arm Lifting a Car



Here is a robotic arm capable of lifting cars and randomly positioned objects. Fanuc is using a deep learning technology to enable these machines to learn new skills independently. As Bloomberg reports, these smart robots can improve upon their past performance over time.

Leonardo da Vinci Robot [Video]


Leonardo da Vinci Robot

We have seen plenty of realistic robots here in the past. This Leonardo da Vinci Robot looks quite realistic. These types of robots can be used to greet visitors and provide them with information on art exhibits. As you can see in Otoo TV’s video, a few other realistic humanoid robots were showcases at the International Robot Exhibition:

Oculus Rift Robot Using EZ-Robot Kits


oculus rift robot

The Oculus Rift headset is a wonderful tool to explore virtual reality applications. Did you know that you can use it to interact with robots? The below video shows how you can connect to your EZ-Robot using an Oculus Rift headset to see what it sees.

Robot Playing Soccer [Video]


robot soccer

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. That includes playing our favorite sports. In the past few months, we have covered plenty of robots attempting to play soccer and other sports.  The Golf Agency has posted a video that shows a robot kicking a soccer ball:


AVTO-01 Launcher: Robotic UAV Launcher



Meet the AVTO-01 Launcher: a UAV launcher based on Assisted Vertical Take-off technology developed by the AMORES Robotics that can vertically launch fixed wing UAVs and keep them away from bushes and small trees. The launch process is powered by the energy of your vehicle while an electrical winch handles the arming.

More Robots: