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Apple Watch Controlling Drones


apple watch droneControlling drones using an Apple Watch is not a groundbreaking idea anymore. PVD+ is the latest group to come up with a smart solution for controlling drones using hand gestures. They have come up with an algorithm to understand and interpret hand gestures using an Apple Watch. As you can see in the below video, you can move the drone using simple hand movements.

Such as solution can also be used to interact with smart home products. Reuters has the full story.

Hovis Eco Plus – 20 DoF Humanoid Robot



Meet the Hovis Eco Plus: an educational robot with 20 HerkuleX DRS-0101 smart servo motors and head LEDs. It is powered by an Atmega 128 micro-controller and has a 3000 mAh battery. The robot comes with various sensors and offers ZigBee support.

Pommel Horse Gymnast Robot


pommel horse

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. That includes performing gymnastic tricks. This video shows a Pommel Horse Gymnast Robot in action. It has 8 motors and a reflective photo sensor to get the job done:

Pommel Horse Gymnast Robot  あん馬ロボット

More information is available here.

VertiGo: Wall-Climbing Robot



Meet VertiGo: a wall-climbing robot that can transition from the ground to the wall with its two tilting propellers. It also has 4 wheels, with a pair that is steerable. The robot is designed to travel through indoor environments with agility. As it is explained on Disney Research’s page:

The use of propellers to provide thrust onto the wall ensures that the robot is able to traverse over indentations such as masonry. The choice of two propellers rather than one enables a floor-to-wall transition – thrust is applied both towards the wall using the rear propeller, and in an upward direction using the front propeller, resulting in a flip onto the wall.

VertiGo: The Wall-Racing Robot (Full Video)

You can find the complete paper on the robot here.

FRSK04: Automated Stop, Question & Frisk Robot



Not many of us enjoy getting stopped and frisked. Would you be comfortable if a robot performed a task? No necessarily but the FRSK04 aims to do the job. The robot has mechanical hands that are activated when the suspect is in the proper position. The audio playing during the process stops when the process ends.

Robot Drinky Wants To Be Your Drinking Buddy


robot drinky

So you don’t have anyone to drink with this holiday season? You could always rely on a cute robot like the Robot Drinky to keep you company. This robot asks for a drink, drinks with you, and deposit the liquid into an alcohol jar. This way no alcohol is wasted, and you will feel better drinking alone.

Orbii: WiFi Robotic Ball with Sensors & Camera



Meet the Orbii: a WiFi connected robotic ball that you can move around your home from your smartphone to keep an eye on things. It has a HD camera and a variety of sensors to monitor humidity, temperature, and your environment. The device also comes with a microphone, speaker, motion detection, and machine learning algorithm.

Scorpion Hexapod Robot


Meet the Scorpion Hexapod: a cool robot capable of moving its tail and moving around in a fairly agile fashion. According to Pieterjan Deconinck, the robot relies on elastic strings for its legs to counter gravity. The robot can be programmed to perform custom tricks.

More information is available here.

ROBOTIS THORMANG Humanoid for Rescue Missions


Meet the ROBOTIS THORMANG: a 1.5m tall humanoid robot for rescue missions. It has a whole host of sensors, including a 6-axis force-torque sensor, FSR sensor, and navigation, to perform various tasks. It uses over 30 DYNAMIXEL Pro servo modules and has a modular design.

WaterColorBot Robot Paints Digital Artwork



Meet the WaterColorBot: a cool robot that moves a paint brush to paint artwork onto a piece of paper. It dips its brush in water and chooses the right color to paint. The robot works with standard and common watercolor paints, pens, and paper. It has two motors in its frame.

More Robots: