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Elastic Turret Hexapod Aims & Fires Elastic Bands


elastsic hexapod

Here is an educational robot with a dual servo powered turret that aims and fires elastic bands at your enemies. It is easy to assemble and can be customized with ez-bits. The robot has 24 x 5 volt tolerant digital ports and 8 x 5 volt tolerant analog ports. It supports up to 73 servos.

Geckobot: Wall Climbing Robot



Here is a robot that can climb walls reliably. The Geckobot has a motorized air suction system that allows it to walk vertically up and down smooth surfaces, such as glass, plastic, and whiteboards. As the name suggests, this robot mimics the movement of a real gecko, so two of its feet stay attached to the wall while the other two feet are lifted off of it.

Robotic Exoskeleton Lets Paralyzed Patients Walk



Robots are not only helping businesses become more operationally efficient, they are also making life easier for many people. Take SuitX’s Phoenix exoskeleton for instance. It is a robotic exoskeleton that lets paralyzed people walk again. It has a modular design and uses small motors to allow the wearer to control the movement of each leg. Users will be able to walk at up to 1.1 miles per hour. The battery life lasts up to 8 hours.

Humanoid Robot Balancing on Bongo Board


Humanoid Robot Balancing

Programming robots to stay balanced on uneven terrain is not always straight forward. Chris I-B is working on a project involving a humanoid robotic balancing on a dynamic terrain. In this particular video, the robot tries to stay balanced on a bongo board.

Shadow Bot: Humanoid Robot + Kinect Mimics Humans


shadow bot

Meet the Shadow Bot: a cool humanoid robot that uses a Microsoft Kinect to mimic human actions. The developer uses a RoboBrothers RoboPhilo Humanoid Robot Kit, an Arduino Uno, a Breadboard, and a few other parts to complete the project. To play with it, simply stand in front of the Kinect device and move your arms. The robot will mimic your moves.

More information is available on Instructables.com.

VersaCopter V2: Build a Racing Drone


FT VersaCopter v2.0

There are plenty of cool drones available on the market. Building your own drone can be fun though. The VersaCopter V2 kit can help. It comes with everything you need to build your own drone. The drone has aluminum parts and can be customized with vibrant colors.

FT VersaCopter v2.0 - BUILD | Flite Test

The below video shows you how to assemble your VersaCopter. You can get yours for $59.


Mechatronic Wings Using LEGO Mindstorms EV3


EV3 Mechatronic LEGO MindStorms Wings

It is no secret that you can try all kinds of fun projects with the right LEGO kits. anoukwipprecht has published a guide that shows you how to build mechatronic wings using a LEGO Mindstorms EV3. These wings can be programmed and animated.

Using Eagles To Capture Drones


eagle capturing drone

Many of us have access to quadcopters these days. Not everyone follows the rules and uses them properly. We have already covered the police using drones to capture drones. The Dutch National Po0lice has decided to train eagles to do the job.

4WD Tactical Robot with Tablet Controller & WiFi


4wd tactical robot

Here is a 4WD Tactical Robot with a tablet controller and WiFi that you can drive around and monitor from anywhere. It has a dome camera with 360 degrees of pan and 90 degrees of tilt. Its front bumper keeps the robot from flipping when driven into a wall.

Soft Robotic Gripper Grabbing Delicate Objects


soft robotic gripper

We have covered plenty of robotic grippers here in the past. Not all of them can handle delicate objects. EPFL Scientists have developed a new robotic gripper that can grasp fragile or heavy objects. It is made of rubber and stretchable electrodes. This soft robotic gripper can bend and pick up eggs, paper, and other similar objects.

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