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Robot Solves Rubik’s Cube In 0.887 s


Robot Solves Rubik's Cube In 0.887 s

It is no secret that robot are getting better at solving Rubik’s Cubes. Sub1 is a new robot that has managed to solve a Rubik’s Cube in 0.887 s. It uses an Arduino compatible microcontroller board to orchestrate the 20 moves of its 6 high performance steppers. The below video shows the robot completing the task:

CRAM: Coachroach Robot for Rescue Missions


cram robot

Meet CRAM: a compressible robot with articulated mechanisms inspired by cockroaches. It can squeeze and run through crevices half its height. The robot has a pliable shell and can splay its legs outward when squashed. Such a robot can be used in search and rescue missions when humans and regular robots may not be as useful:

In the event of an earthquake, first responders need to know if an area of rubble is stable and safe, but the challenge is, most robots can’t get into rubble. But if there are lots of cracks and vents and conduits, you can imagine just throwing a swarm of these robots in to locate survivors and safe entry points for first responders.

Cockroach robots to the rescue!

explains Robert Full, a professor of integrative biology at UC Berkeley. This is just a prototype for now, but the idea has a lot of potential.

[Source: Berkeley]

iBoardbot: Internet Connected Whiteboard



Here is an internet connected robot that writes and draws on glass surfaces with resspectable precision. You can send information to your robot from anywhere in the world. It can be used as an interactive twitter wall. iBoardbot has an open API for developers. The app app lets you send your drawing or text to the cloud.

The above video shows what this robot is capable of. You can find out more about it on Kickstarter.

Building a Life-size Smartphone Controlled BB-8 Droid


bb-8 droid

Most of us have seen those cute, tiny BB-8 robots by now. ASCAS, who happens to be a teenager, has taken the idea a step further by building a life-size BB-8 Droid that can be controlled using a smartphone. You are going to need an Arduino Uno, a HC05 Bluetooth module, a battery, an inflatable beach ball, and a few other parts to get started.

Nao Humanoid Robot Diving


nao robot

Nao is a special humanoid robot capable of learning new tricks and has sensors and actuators. We have seen it used for various projects in the past. This video shows a Nao robot performing a dive into a pool of plastic balls:

Maximo Robot Arm Handling a Pen


maximo robot arm

We have covered the Maximo Robot Arm here a couple of times in the past. The robot has 225 parts and can be assembled using a Phillips-head screwdriver. The developers have released a bunch of new videos showing what you can do with this robot arm. This video shows it using a pen to mark letters.

DIY: Imperial Shuttle Drone


Imperial Shuttle Drone

Here is a drone project that should prove active to Star Wars fans. AJWoods has built an Imperial Shuttle Drone with folding wings. It has a 6 and 3 mm depron structure. The below video shows how this drone flies:

Chameleon Robot Changes Color to Blend In


chameleon robot

Here is an interesting robot that can change its color to blend into its environment. Guoping Wang of Wuhan University, China, and his team have created this robot. It is covered in plasmonic displays. The developers used light sensors to recognize the background color. The below video shows the chameleon robot in action:

Chameleon robot changes colour to blend in

New Scientist has more on the story.

Smart Shoot: Smart Shooting Robot for Smartphones


Smart Shoot

Meet the Smart Shoot: a robot for your smartphone with face recognition and intelligent tracking, allowing you to take handsfree photos and videos. The robot is compatible with iOS and Android devices. Simply start it, pair it via Bluetooth, and start shooting. You get a remote to interact with the robot.

Robot Chefs Make Ramen In Under 2 Minutes


Robot Chefs Make Ramen

Robots are going to prepare our foods in the future. In fact, a few companies are already working on robotic kitchens. These 2 robots are capable of preparing you some ramen. One robot takes care of boiling the noodles while the other is in charge of the soup. The robots work together to finish a bowl of noodles in around 1.5 minutes. Pretty cool, don’t you think?


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