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Light-controlled Biological Robots


bio light robots

Biological robots are becoming more sophisticated all the time. This video from Ritu Raman describes bio robots that can be genetically engineered to react to light. Optical stimulus is less invasive and can be used to selectively stimulate only certain regions of muscles.

ParaZero Drone Parachute



Commercial drones are not cheap assets, so when they malfunction in the air, you’d want them to drop to the ground in a graceful fashion. Let’s not forget that falling UAVs can damage people and assets by accident. ParaZero’s SafeAir recovery system is designed to protect people and drones. It comes with a pyrotechnic parachute launcher to protect expensive drones.

CRACUNS: Drone Launches from Underwater



Meet CRACUNS: a submersible UAV that can be launched from a fixed position underwater or from an unmanned underwater vehicle. Researchers at the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland are behind the Corrosion Resistant Aerial Covert Unmanned Nautical System.

LEGO Egg Decorating Machine



Here is a cool LEGO creation capable of decorating eggs for Easter or other occasions. The machine was built using the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 kit. It can print 7 different patterns onto an egg. As the maker explains, the egg bot uses motors to move the egg, raise and lower the marker, and move the arm from side to side.

LEGO Egg Decorating Machine

JK Brickworks has more on this project. What do you think? How would you improve this?

SCAMP Robot Flies, Perches, and Climbs



Meet SCAMP: a robot capable of flying, perching, climbing, and recovering from failure. It is designed to operate on rough vertical surfaces. The Stanford Climbing and Aerial Maneuvering Platform uses its onboard sensors and computers to complete tasks.

Panasonic Assist Robot for Lifting Heavy Objects


Panasonic Assist Robot

Robots are already being used in business environments to get things done. The Panasonic Assist Robot is a wearable solution that uses advanced control and sensor technologies to help people lift heavy objects. Such a technology could also be used to make life easier for the elderly. 

Domino’s Testing Self-Driving Pizza Delivery Robot


In the future, robots are going to deliver our foods. Domino’s is one of many companies exploring this idea. Domino’s Australia is testing DRU, a commercial autonomous delivery vehicle, that can navigate fences, talk to customers, and deliver food. The robot can reach a speed of up to 20 km/h. It works on trails, bike paths, and bridges. It uses a LIDAR sensor system to detect and avoid obstacles.


When customers order a pizza, the robot travels to their address to make a delivery. These robots will have a camera to prevent theft. LifeHacker has more on the story.

DURUS-2D Bipedal Robotic Running


DURUS-2D Bipedal Robotic Running

Robots of the future will be able to run and keep their balance on uneven terrain. AMBER Lab is dedicated to experimental research in bipedal robotics. Their latest video demonstrates bipedal robotic running on DURUS-2D:

ATLAS: Spherical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle


Meet ATLAS: an all-terrain spherical unmanned aerial vehicle that can fly, hover, and roll on the ground. It takes off like a helicopter, flies like a drone, and move on the ground. Such a drone could prove useful in disaster areas and search & rescue missions. Unmanned Cowboys is behind this interesting idea.

Hermine: Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot


rubiks cube solver

Robots are getting quite good at solving Rubik’s Cube puzzles. We have already covered a bunch of them that can solve robots in seconds. Hermine is another puzzle solving robot that can solve the Rubik’s Cube in under 4 seconds (best time was 3.8 seconds).

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