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Picobug: Tiny Robot That Can Run, Fly, Grasp



Meet the Picobug: a tiny robot that can walk, fly, and grasp. It is the smallest quadrotor aircraft with a lightweight 1 DOF walking mechanism. It weighs only 30g. The robot also has a SMA-actuated gripper. The below video shows what the Picobug is all about:

DM4-A2 Robot Manipulator


DM4-A2 Robot Manipulator

Here is a robot manipulator that lets you pick up objects and move them using a robotic arm. The DM4-A2 Manipulator offers you precise control. It has a high strength to weight ratio. You can integrate it with 3rd party robot platforms to take your projects to the next level.

DIY: Seed Spreading Robot


We have covered plenty of lawn care robots in the past. You could always build your own to take better care of your garden. randofo has shared a video that shows you how to build a seed spreading robot. You are going to need a Lynxmotion Tri-Track Chassis Kit, Arduino Uno, battery, rangefinder sensor, and a few other parts to get started.


You can find the instructions for this robot on Instructables.com.

ALLBOT Programmable 4-Legged Robot Kit



Here is a programmable robot that you can control from your smartphone. The ALLBOT Programmable 4-Legged Robot Kit is compatible with Arduino Uno and MEGA boards. You get servo motors, plastic parts, battery shield, and other parts to get started. The companion app is available for iOS or Android devices.

RE2 Mobile Robotic Manipulation System


RE2 Mobile Robotic Manipulation System

Here is a robotic system that allows operators to interact with objects in the air and on the ground. RE2’s Mobile Robotic Manipulation System can be used to pick up objects, remove and replace caps, dexterously manipulate objects, and lift heavy objects.

NASA’s Valkyrie Robot: Assembly Video


NASA's Valkyrie Robot

NASA’s Valkyrie Robot is quite impressive. It is 6 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds. It can perform a variety of tasks to help astronauts. Valkyrie is fully electric, featuring 4 body cameras, 28 torque-controlled joints, 44 degrees of freedom, and over 200 individual sensors.

Cartesian 6-DoF Gaze Controller for Humanoid Robots


6-DoF Gaze Controller for Humanoid Robots

We have covered the iCub humanoid robot a lot here in the past. With this Cartesian 6-DoF Gaze Controller, the robot can maintain eye contact with a 3D object as it moves. The robot can also achieve head stabilization and maintain its gaze when disturbed.

Monospinner: Controllable Flying Vehicle with Single Moving Part



Here is a flying vehicle with a single moving part, making it one of the simplest mechanically controllable machine of its kind. While the Monospinner does not hover like a standard multicopter, it does use feedback control system to maintain equilibrium.

KR 3 AGILUS Robot for Automation in Confined Spaces



Here is a robotic arm designed for automation in confined spaces. The KR 3 AGILUS robotic arm can be used to assemble small parts, screw fastening, packaging, and other tasks. These 6-axis robotic arms weigh 26kg and offer floor, ceiling, and wall mounting positions. They have a payload capacity of 3kg.

Autonomous Robotic Surgeon Operating On Soft Tissues


robotic surgeon

In the future, surgeons will rely on robots to perform advanced surgeries. In fact, autonomous robots could replace surgeons completely. We are not there yet, but an autonomous robot has successfully operated on soft tissues for the first time. Such a robot can be used to perform surgeries on the appendix and gall bladder.

Robotic surgeon stitches up pig intestinal tissue

The Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot has a 3D camera and can see near-infrared wavelengths to find its target. For now, these robots will need human supervision.

[Source] [H/T]

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