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Using Wearables with Haptic Feedback for Human-Robot Interaction


Teleoperating robots using Myo and other smart wearables is nothing new. Researchers have come up with a new approach for augmented tele-operation of robots where wearable haptic feedback devices are combined with teleimpedance techniques for control of a robotic manipulator in real-time.

MAKKER Smart Kit for Aspiring Drone Racers


Flying drones is getting much easier as smarter models are released to the market. MAKKER is a smart kit with a tag and marks that lets you create your track and fly anywhere. When your drone passes or hovers over a mark, the tag lights up and the app provides you with feedback.

KUKA Washing Robot Cleans Automotive Components


In the past few months, we have covered plenty of robots that can make businesses more efficient. The KUKA KR210-2 Foundry robot cleans automotive components in a washing cell. It can perform in extreme conditions.

Modular Cuboid Drones Form a Flying Gripper


Here is a modular Cuboid-based drone with a flying gripper that can be used to grasp and transport objects such as cups. Researchers put it together with 4 cooperative modules, each based on a quadrotor with a cuboid frame and docking mechanism.

Snapbot Modular Legged Robot with 700 Forms


Meet Snapbot: a modular legged robot that can be modified to emulate various styles of legged locomotion. It comes with yaw-pitch, roll-pitch, and roll-yaw-pitch legs. The body has a microcontroller and battery for untethered operation.

Tree Climbing Robotic Trimmer


So how do you trim a tree without breaking a sweat? You can always use one of these tree-climbing robotic trimmers. The robot cleans up a tree before it is cut down. It is more efficient and safer to use than humans.

handtoolrescue has shared a video of this robot in action.

Wonder Workshop Dot Creativity Robot Teaches Kids Coding


Here is another cute robot kit that keeps your kids entertained and teaches them new technology concepts. The Wonder Workshop Dot Creativity Robot Kit comes ready to play out of the box. It has multiple sensors and 20 project cards. Dot can be customized with stickers and costumes.

Kinova MOVO Robotic Manipulation Platform for Research


Meet the Kinova MOVO: a robotic manipulation platform that can take on a wide variety of tasks. It has an open hardware with ROS support. It comes with Ethernet, HDMI, USB, and WiFi. MOVO is capable of navigating autonomously right out of the box.

Rollin’ Justin Serving As Robotic Co-Worker for Astronauts


Robots are going to play even more important roles in space in the future. As DLRRMC’s latest video shows, they can be used to assist astronauts. During the METERON SUPVIS Justin Experiment, Rollin’ Justin was commanded to service a simulated Martian solar farm. A tablet computer allowed the crew to supervise the robot.

Autonomous Dental Implant Robot in China


In the future, robots will be used to fix your teeth. An autonomous dental implant robot was recently put into use in an operation in China. Once a CT scan of the patient is completed, the data is provided to the robot to help it identify the area to work on.

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