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Tinkerbots My First Robot Kit


Here is another educational kit that gets your kids started with robots. It has a drag & drop visual programming interface to give children an introduction in the world of programming. The robot is easy to put together and works with LEGO building systems.

DENSO Robots Handling Probes & Pipettes


Robots are already being used in many environments to handle fragile items for businesses. This video shows 4 DENSO robot handling probes and pipettes, making them ideal for pharmaceutical and medical industries. The robots have no external screws and have round edges to avoid bacteria accumulation.

Shadow Robot Hand Using a Wrench


Remember the Shadow Dexterous Hand? It is a robotic hand with 24 joints and 20 actuated degrees of freedom that can pick up and manipulate things. It is ROS integrated and comes with various sensors to allow developers to program it for various tasks.

Front Tilt Minibot for Search & Rescue, Inspection


Here is another rugged robot for search & rescue and inspection jobs. The Front Tilt Minibot has an all-aluminum shell and the ability to turn on a dime. It comes with a camera mount with LEDs, so you can capture clear images.

Laikago: Electric Motor Driven Robot Dog


Meet the Laikago robot: an all-electric motor driven quadruped robot that can move on sloped and uneven surfaces and keep its balance when kicked. The robot has smart motors with thermal management, so you will know when your Laikago need some rest.

Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot Cutting Tissue and Removing Tumors


Robots are going to perform more complex surgeries in the future. Plenty of researchers are working to perfect them. Take the Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot for instance. It uses electrosurgical tools to cut through tissue (fat, muscle, and skin).

Robot surgeon performs flesh-cutting tasks and pseudo-tumor removal

As explained on IEEE Spectrum, STAR is capable of removing a pseudo-tumor from pig fat. The ideas was presented at IROS 2017.

Walking Excavator Teleoperated with Ibex Motion Platform


Here is a customized Menzi Muck M545 walking excavator  teleoperated with the Ibex Motion Platform. The motion platform reproduces the cabin orientation while the operator gets visual feedback through 3 monitors. This video from Robotic Systems Lab shows this teleoperated excavator in action:

Enaex Launches Robominer Mining Robot


Meet the Robominer: a teleoperated mining robot that can explore hazardous areas safely. Robominer can capture mining environments in real time with 3D vision and monitor gasses & temperature. Robominer will be available to manipulate objects and materials.

Plotter: Robot That Draws, Creates Artwork


Meet the Plotter: a robotic machine that can sketch, doodle and draw with precision. It takes human mistakes out of the equation while completing complex designs. Plotter has a pen arm that can hold a pen, pencil, and other tools. It can be even be used as a Braille printer.

Emma Robot Masseuse in Singapore with Silicone-tipped Fingers


Robots are going to take many jobs from humans. They can even be used to give people massages. Take Emma for instance: it is a robotic masseuse that uses a metal hand with silicone-tipped fingers to get the job done.

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