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FidgetUFO Flying Fidget Spinner


Meet the FidgetUFO: a fidget spinner that hovers as you spin and release it. It has 4 flying modes, including boomerang and suspended modes. You can play with this on your own or with friends due to its low flying altitude. The FidgetUFO fidget spinner is very simply to use. Simply switch it on, give it a clockwise spin, release when the motors activate, and give it a push.

SIASUN 7-Axis Light-load Hybrid Robot


Meet the SIASUN light-load hybrid robot: a 7-axis robotic system with a smart mobile base that can perform sorting and help with various manufacturing tasks. It has various navigation settings. The robot is precise to 0.5mm. It has a grasping speed of up to 1m/s and moving speed of 60m/min.

SIASUN Hybrid Autonomous Collaborative Robot

The above video shows it in action. More info is available here.

Gardena smart SILENO city Robotic Mower


Here is another robotic mower that takes care of your lawn, so you don’t have to. The Gardena smart SILENO city Robotic Mower has area capacity of 500m2. It has 58dBA sound level, so it don’t disturb your neighbors. The Gardena smart SILENO city comes with iOS, Android, and web tracking.

DTing Gesture Controlled Robots


Here are robots and toys that you can control with gestures. The DTing toys are controlled using a wristband. It can recognize forearm movement, hand gestures, and force. Such a technology can be used to control tanks, drones, and other RC toys.

Little Ripper Lifesaver Drone


Meet the Little Ripper: a UAV that can drop emergency pods to save people’s lives. Its pods include water activated flotation and electromagnetic shark repellent devices. Land and Snow pods are also available to get people out of trouble in case of an emergency and keep them warm.

Little Ripper drone saves two teenage swimmers in world-first rescue

Artificial Intelligence Processing at the Edge: The Little Ripper Lifesaver UAV

As it turns out, the Little Ripper was recently used in Australia to save two teenage swimmers by dropping an inflatable rescue pod down to them. Apparently, the whole process took 70 seconds to finish.


DIY Mecanum Wheel Robot with Orion Controller


There is no better way to learn robotics and electronics than building and programming your own robots. This Mecanum Wheel Robot kit comes with everything you need to get started. The robot can move forward, backward, and sideways. Its base is made of anodized aluminum.

Mecanum Wheel Robot Kit

The kit is based on the Makeblock open source hardware. It has mecanum wheels, a motor driver, and a MakeBlock Me Orion Microcontroller (which is Arduino compatible). The robot has a max speed of 1 m/s.

[where to get it]

AUSCA Robot Cooks Eggs, Omelets


Here is a robot that can make eggs and omelets for your guests. The AUSCA bot is simple to use: simply choose how you want your eggs cooked, and the robot does the rest by pouring oil, cracking the eggs, and frying them.

FANUC High-speed Waffle Packing Robots


Picking & packing food items with robots is nothing new. If you are interested in this type of automation, you will need to invest in the right robots and grippers to avoid damaging your food items and beverages. FANUC’s food grade robots are more than capable of picking and packing waffles and other comparable items.

Navipack 2D LiDAR for Robots


Meet the Navipack: a 2D LiDAR for indoor positioning, obstacle perception, and avoidance for your robots. It uses advanced SLAM tech for environment mapping.  It is ready for real-time path planning, shortest or maximum coverage path plans.

WorkSense W 01: Autonomous Dual Arm Robot


Meet the WorkSense W-01: a dual-arm robot to automate production lines. The robot has 4 head cameras and 2 arm cameras to achieve human-like vision. It can detect an object’s position and orientation in 3D.

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