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Astribot S1 7DOF AI Robot Doing Household Chores


This is the Astribot S1: a next generation AI robot that can perform a wide variety of household chores. It can cut food ingredients, pour you a drink, keep your items organized, and a lot more. It can also fold your shirts and work a vacuum. The Astribot S1 has max speed of 10 m/s. It has 7 degrees of freedom. It has max load capacity of 10kg per arm.

Feloni Aero’s Felon 1.0 Weaponized Drone


This is the Felon 1.0 from Feloni Aero: a weaponized drone that is going to be used to bolster Ukraine’s defensive capabilities.  It has a 5.56 weapon system that allows operates to engage targets with surgical precision. It has an advanced communication system and sensor suite to work in coordination with ground forces.

TonyGPT Humanoid Robot with GPT-4 Turbo


Remember the TonyPi? It is a Raspberry Pi powered AI vision humanoid robot that can take your coding to the next level. It has a HD camera on its head to recognize colors and faces and follow lines. It has an IMU to maintain its balance. This robot can even shoot ball automatically. With GPT integration, it can now recognize commands in 11 different languages.

Robosen Megatron Auto-Converting Robot with App


Here is another auto converting robot for Transformers fans. The Robosen Megatron transforms from robot to a tank. It has 2 touch zones that you can use to interact your Megatron. You get 5 ways to program it, including block-based programming.

Festo BionicBee Autonomous Robotic Fly


This is the Festo BionicBee: an autonomous robotic fly capable of autonomous flying in a warm. It weighs only 34 grams, measuring 22cm long, with a wingspan of 24 cm. It has a brushless motor, 3 servomotors, battery, gear unit, and circuit boards inside in its compact body.

End-to-End Planner for Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots Manipulating & Transporting Objects


Here is an end-to-end planner for reconfigurable modular robots that allow for collaborative object manipulation and transport. This method can be used to coordinate the actions of multiple robots, allowing these modular robots to transport objects of various shapes and weight.

End-to-End Planner for Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots

As the researchers explain:

Our approach is based on a centralized planner using stochastic best-first search with a custom heuristic and pruning strategy. We use Quadratic Programming to define multi-robot controller to evaluate action feasibility for transitions between the search tree nodes with respect to important constraints of the system (collisions, joint and torque limits). The controller can be design to be aware of human reachable space for object handover and use it as a measure to asses closeness to the goal node.

[HT: Aurélien Morel, Anastasia Bolotnikova, Celinna Ju, Jan Rabaey, Auke Ijspeert]

RACER Fleet Vehicle Autonomous Off-road Test


Autonomous vehicles are getting smarter all the time. Most of them are designed for regular roads. Teaching these vehicles to handle off-road conditions take a bit more work. DARPA’s latest video shows the RACER Fleet Vehicle completing an autonomous run. The vehicle negotiated ditches and vegetation successfully.

RACER Experiment 4 - Cockpit view of an autonomous off-road run in TX

As DARPA explains, its forth experiment involved testing these vehicles on courses from 3 to 30 miles in length with speeds up to 30 miles per hour.


PaintCam Eve: Paintball Firing Robotic Security Camera


This is the PaintCam Eve: a robotic security camera with AI that can fire paintballs at threats. It comes with audible and visual warnings to keep intruders at bay. The Eve has a trained AI to detect threats. It supports warning and action zones.  The Eve Pro comes with animal and face detection.

Thermonator Robot Dog with Flamethrower, LiDAR, FPV Navigation


Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. They can carry various payloads, including sensors and weapons. The Thermonator is a robot dog with a flamethrower. It can be used for snow & ice removal and agricultural missions. This robot comes with LiDAR and FPV navigation

The Robot Dog With A Flamethrower | Thermonator

This robot has laser sighting and 30ft firing range. It is listed for $9420 at the time of this writing.


PowerSmart 20V Robot Lawn Mower with App


Robotic mowers are getting smarter all the time. Many of them now work with smartphones. Take the PowerSmart Robot Lawn Mower for example: it is an app controlled mower that lets you adjust its settings and schedule from your phone. It can cover up to 1/4 acre of lawn. It has a rain sensor to sense when it needs to stop mowing.

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