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Furhat Advanced Social Robot with Back-projected Facial Animation


Meet the Furhat robot: an advanced social bot that communicates with humans by listening and through emotions and eye contact. It can be used to teach a language, train employees, and serve customers. The robot features stereo speakers and microphones, a HD camera with computer vision & face tracking, and a Halo LED ring.

The world's most advanced social robot - Furhat Robotics

Furhat has natural neck motion with 3 degrees of freedom and a back-projected facial animation system to create immersive characters.


BEC Robotic Coaster Using KUKA Robots


Here is another robot that can give you an insane ride. The BEC Robotic Coaster uses a KUKA KR600 robot and can accommodate up to 3 passengers. As you can see in the below video, the robot has comfortable seats but can give you one heck of a ride.

Shadow’s Robot Teleoperation System


The Shadow Robot Company is behind plenty of innovative robots. Their latest video shows how an industrial robotic arm with a Shadow Hand can be teleoperated to perform tasks at a safe distance with precision.

Oneberry RoboGuard KenOB1 Surveillance Robot


Surveillance and security robots are nothing new. Plenty of businesses are using them to patrol their properties and catch security threats. The Oneberry RoboGuard is a customizable surveillance and inspection robot powered by clean energy that can operate 24/7 with no down time.

Oneberry RoboGuard KenOB1 at Security Essen 2018

This robot is powered by fuel cell technology from SFC Energy. It can operate safely around humans and easily move in all directions.


PiRoB: Pipe Climbing Robot


In the past few years, we have covered plenty of versatile robots that can inspect inside pipes and climb walls. The PiRoB is also wroth a look. It is a clever little robot that uses its limbs to climb pipes like a pro. It has a flexible structure, so it can climb in every direction.

PolyU’s Robotic Arm for Stroke Patients


Here is another robotic arm that can help stroke patients recover faster. PolyU’s robotic arm has a lightweight design. The mobile exo-neuro-musculo-skeleton integrates exo-skeleton, soft robot and exo-nerve stimulation technologies. It weighs 300g and runs on 12V battery supply.

RISING Robot for Reconnaissance & EOD Missions


Here is another mobile manipulator that can take on dangerous takes such as EOD and reconnaissance missions. It has a modular design and comes with an arm with 6DOF and 2.4kg payload.

Autonomous Robots to Deliver Mail in Norway


It seems no job is safe from robots. They will even deliver our mail in the future. In fact, the idea is going to be tested in Norway. This video Last Mile Logistics shows how an autonomous robot can be used to deliver mail for up to 100 households. The robot comes with secure compartments that allow people to grab their mail. It can also be used to deposit letters.

Microduino Itty Bitty Buggy Programmable Robot


Meet the Microduino Itty Bitty Buggy: a 5-in-1 programmable robot with voice control and Bluetooth that teaches kids C, Python, and Scratch. You can interact with the robot from your iOS and Android device. The kit can be used to build a sloth, ladybug, dodo bird, and an alien.

R1 Humanmoid Robot with Continuous Listening for Commands


Those of you who have used devices like Alexa know you will have to say the magic word for the device to pick up your commands. Researchers have come up with a continuous listening system for robots that is always active and ready to recognize commands.

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