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ALPHRED2: Autonomous Legged Helper Robot That Can Walk, Hop, Roll


Meet ALPHRED2: a multi-modal locomotion robot that can walk, hop, run, and roll. It is powered by RoMeLa’s BEAR (Back-drivable Electromechanical Actuator for Robots) actuators which are force controlled. The robot can use its limbs to pick up objects or push buttons. It can walk stably on rough terrain at speed up to 1.5m/s.

Dobot Magician Robot Arm Making Ice Cream


Remember the Dobot Magician Robot Arm? It is an educational robot designed to teach engineering and coding. It comes with WiFi & Bluetooth modules, laser engraving/3D printing kits, and a whole host of add-ons to take on a wide variety of tasks.

The robot can be easily programmed via drag & drop. It has IO ports for easy extension. The below video shows how Dobot Magician can be used to serve ice cream:

Dobot Magician Robotic Arm ice cream making


SpaceBok: Planetary Exploration Quadruped Robot


In the future, advanced robots will be used to explore planets in our solar system and beyond. Plenty of researchers are currently working to perfect them. SpaceBok is a quadruped robot from a Swiss student team from ETH Zurich and ZHAW Zurich that is being used to study dynamic walking and jumping in low gravity environments

WeeeBot Evolution STEM Robot for Kids


Here is another educational robot designed to teach your kids the basics of coding. The 6 in 1 WeeeBot Evolution STEAM robot has over 240 pieces and can be assembled in 6 robot forms, including a spider, penguin, or 3-wheel racing bot. These robots have an anodized aluminum structure. They are compatible with LEGO bricks.

Arduino Tree Branch Robots with Deep Learning Can Now Walk


In the past few years, we have seen plenty of innovative robot designs. Researchers from the University of Tokyo and Preferred Networks have managed to build a robot with tree branches and used deep learning to teach them how to walk.

KAR-GO Autonomous Local Delivery Vehicle


In the future, robots and autonomous vehicles will deliver your orders. Take Kar-go for instance: it is an autonomous delivery vehicle for the last mile local delivery. Users can order via an Uber-like app for their package to be sent to them via a Kar-go vehicle.

Understanding Kar-go

The robot can rearrange parcels inside based on their size and order in which they will be delivered. According to thee makers, Kar-go can remove up to 90% of the cost associated with the last mile of delivery.

[HT] [Source]

Sophie: Laksa Robot Makes 80 Bowls Per Hour


Meet Sophie: a robotic noodle station that can make laksa in about 45 seconds. It is capable of making 80 bowls per hour. You simply have to pick your noodles, choose your toppings, and place everything into the strainer. Once you press Start, the robot goes to work.

DLR Bimanual Haptic Device for Robot Teleoperation


Meet HUG: a haptic user interface for teleoperated robots that can measure human movements and display forces from remote environments. As this video shows, the DLR Bimanual Haptic Device consists of two lightweight robot arms with adjustable mounting positions.

Vegebot: Lettuce Harvesting Robot with Machine Learning


Here is a vegetable picking robot that uses machine to harvest lettuce. The Vegebot, developed by a team at the University of Cambridge, identifies the target crop with its camera and cuts the lettuce from the rest of the plant without crushing it.

HEKTR Humanoid Robot for Tactical Training


Meet HEKTR from MVP Robotics: a tactical humanoid robot that helps train members of the military and law enforcement for real-time scenarios. It moves quickly and in unpredictable ways to help trainees improve their shooting skills.

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