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SMP Robotics S5.2 Outdoor Security Robot with AI & Deep Learning


Here is another outdoor robot that can help with security and inspection tasks. The SMP Robotics S5.2 robot comes with AI, machine learning, fully autonomous patrolling, and obstacle avoidance. It has a panoramic video surveillance system with a PTZ camera.

SMP Robotics S5.2 security robot

14DOF Dual Arm Single-wheeled Balancing Humanoid Robot


In the past few years, we have seen a whole host of interesting humanoid robots. This video shows a single-wheeled balancing humanoid robot with dual arms with smooth motion and dexterous manipulation capabilities. This 14 DOF dual manipulation system for the CMU ballbot is made up of 7DOF arms that weigh 12.9kg.

Sweeper: Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot


Here is another agricultural robot that can save farmers time and money. The Sweeper Robot is a sweet pepper harvesting robot that can work all day to pick pepper. It uses a camera to detect the right ones to pick. The robot can operate in a single stem row cropping system and is smart enough to find the best way to pick each item.

POCCET: Regolith Excavation & Rock Cleaner for Space Rovers


Here is a system that uses compressed gas to perform excavation and cleaning tasks. POCCET is pneumatic system for mini space rovers. It weighs less than 300 grams and can be used not only on the moon but comets, asteroids, and Mars.

POCCET: a pneumatic cleaning and excavation system for mini space rovers

As the above video shows, this dust removal tool can be easily mounted to JPL’s PUFFER platform. POCCET can trench through regolith to expose subsurface lunar ice. Honeybee Robotics is behind this idea.



Scaled Robotics’ Robots Can Digitize Construction Sites


Here is a smart robot designed to automate the process of digitizing construction sites. Scaled Robotics’ robots use LiDAR to navigate and build maps of construction sites by fusing images, video, and data.

Digitizing construction sites with Scaled Robotics

These guys are refining technology used in driverless cars for the construction industry. The detailed data that these robots capture is a lot harder to capture just by humans.


SEER Face Mirroring Robot Head


Remember the SEER robot? It is a robot head that can maintain eye contact and imitate your facial expressions. The Simulative Emotional Expression Robot has two modes. It uses a camera to recognize and track facial features. The robot can mirror eyebrow/eyelid/head movements. The below video shows how it works:

ADIFO: Fully Functional Flying Saucer


Flying saucers are not just part of science fiction anymore. A couple of Romanian engineers have developed a fully functional saucer with hyper-maneuverability. The ADIFO (All DIrections Flying Object) has a high lift/drag ratio and many other aerodynamic features.

DARPA’s Autonomous Swarm-Bot Experiment


Researchers are always working on developing smarter swarming robots. DARPA’s OFFensive Swarm-Enabled Tactics is a program that involves testing autonomous robots to complete tasks in the field. OFFSET is all about using these robots to isolate an urban objective. A human-swarm interface would enable users to monitor and direct hundreds of unmanned drones in real-time.

OFFSET will also have:

A real-time, networked virtual environment that would support a physics-based, swarm tactics game. In the game, players would use the interface to rapidly explore, evolve, and evaluate swarm tactics to see which would potentially work best, whether using various unmanned systems in the real world or exploring innovative synthetic technologies in the virtual one

Teams Test Swarm Autonomy in Second Major OFFSET Field Experiment

The above video shows a rent field experiment at Fort Benning, Georgia.


Obexx AI Box Virtual Robot with Customizable Smart Avatar


Meet the Obexx AI Box: a smart home system with a customizable virtual avatar that can read you the news, play your music, and control your smart home devices. You can create your own avatar by uploading a photo. Over 100 facial adjustment options are available.

DRL Racer4 Street Modular Racing Drone


Meet the DRL Racer4 Street: a modular racing drone designed for your fast-paced aerial adventures. The DRL Racer4 features a 5S power system, 2510 stator and 7x4x3 props. The R4 uses a 2,200mah 70C pack and has a modular design.

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