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Yahboom Mecanum Coding Robot for Arduino


Arduino is a wonderful platform to adopt for coding and building robots. The Yahboom Mecanum Coding Robot comes with 5 IR obstacle avoidance sensors, HD WiFi camera, programmable LED light, passive buzzer, and everything you need to get started. You can interact with the robot with your iOS/Android device.

SOTO Mobile Robot for Factories


Here is another industrial robot made to increase production efficiency in factories. SOTO enables efficient automated line feeding. It can work up to 18 hours a day around humans safely. It has sensors, 3D cameras, and smart software to perceive its environment.

Magazino SOTO - Robot prototype hardware test at VEGA

Water Vortex Suction Feet for Robots


Robots climbing walls is nothing new. Researchers are always looking for ways to improve the mechanism though. Researchers from Zhejiang University in China have come up with suction grippers that use spinning water vortex to attach to smooth and rough surfaces.

Alter 3 Robot Conducting a Human Orchestra


In the past few years, we have covered plenty of awesome musical robots. Robots are now being used as parts of bands or even to conduct an orchestra. This video shows Alter 3 not only conducting but also signing along.

Android opera "Scary Beauty" @KUNITACHI COLLEGE OF MUSIC January 2020

The Alter 3 has a camera in its eyes and can speak. It also has smoother motion. It is embedded with an artificial neural network developed by researchers at the University of Tokyo.


Using Robots To 3D Print Biocomposite Kayaks


Many researchers are constantly coming up with new ideas to help save the environment. As RISE & Chalmers University of Technology researchers demonstrate, it is now possible to 3D print kayaks in environmentally friendly biocomposite or recycled plastic.

Milrem Robotics’ UGV Robots In Action


In the past few years, we have covered Milrem Robotics’ ground robots extensively here. They can be equipped with remote weapon stations to take on the enemy on the battlefield. The company has shared a video that shows its UGVs in action:

Few examples of Milrem Robotics' UGV's mobility

Pretty special, don’t you think?

Rainbow Blue Knight Coding Robot for Kids


Here is another robot made to teach your kids the basics of coding. This racing robot car comes with iOS and Android control. The Rainbow Blue Knight comes with interactive maps and a graphical coding interface. It lasts for up to 60 minutes on battery.

AnanasStepper 3.0 High-Precision Servo Stepper for Robots, 3D Printers


Everybody knows that in order to build robots, 3D printers, and other comparable gadgets, you will need decent servos. The AnanasStepper 3.0 is a high precision servo stepper with multi-axis control and closed-loop positioning. AnanasStepper 3.0 has 15bit/0.01° ultra-high precision. It supports Micro USB connection.

Robocar Walk: Single-Seat Autonomous Electric Vehicle


Meet the Robocar Walk: a fully autonomous single-seat electric vehicle that moves on sidewalks at speeds up to 6kph. It checks the surrounding area and traffic lights for safety. Robocar Walk goes to its preset destinations and returns safely while minimizing risk of accidents.

PigeonBot: This Robotic Pigeon Flies Like a Real Bird


Robotic birds are nothing new. But not many of them can change their wing shape to fly with more agility. PigeonBot is different. It has soft biohybrid morphing wings with feathers underactuated by wrist and finger motion.

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