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Fourier’s Exoskeleton Helps Disabled People Walk


Here is another exoskeleton designed to help people with serious spinal cord injury walk. Fourier’s Exoskeleton has a proprietary motion control unit and built-in sensors to detect force. The power output is adjusted dynamically.

Electric Magic Electric/Pneumatic Robot Claws


Here is a bionic gripper that gives your robotic arms claws, so they can handle a wide variety of objects. The Electric Magic 3-claw manipulator is flexible enough to handle fruits, glasses, and other fragile objects.

Apitor SuperBot 18-in-1 Robot Kit


Meet the Apitor SuperBot: an 18-in-1 robot kit for STEM that can teach kids coding concepts. It comes with over 400 blocks, including 4 LED lights, infrared sensors, DC motors, and other necessary parts. Your kids can interact with it through their smartphone.

Insect-inspired 3D Printed Robots with Flexoskeletons


Soft 3D printed robots are nothing new but making them is not cheap. Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a new method to create soft, flexible 3D printed robots with flexoskeletons. The idea is to start with a soft body and add rigid features to it.

HIBot Float Arm Snake Robot


Meet the HIBot Float Arm: a snake robot with long-reach for confined spaces. It is able to navigate in complex environments. It has 8 links and can be used with a HD camera, thermal camera, probe, and LiDAR to take on a variety of tasks.

Autonomous Food Delivery Robot by ROBOTIS


Here is a robot from ROBOTIS that can deliver food items to customers. This Autonomous Food Delivery Robot can navigate sidewalks autonomously using AI. It can handle inclines up to 33%. It has a speed range of 3.3 to 4.4mph. It has an endurance of about 6 hours.

KUKA’s Automated Electric Vehicle Charger


KUKA is behind some of the most amazing robots we have seen. The KUKA charging assistant carla_connect is also impressive. It can automatically charge electric pallet trucks as the below video shows. These robots can be controlled via a mobile app. Simply park the electric vehicle in the garage and start the charging process through the app.

Improving Robotic Locomotion by Imitating Animals


Researchers in the field of robotics are inspired by nature and animals all the time to improve their designs. This video from Jason Peng shows how researchers are learning from animals to teach a robot dog fast locomotion skills.

FLIR Centaur Robot Can Disarm Explosive Devices


Meet the FLIR Centaur Robot: a rugged bot designed to help disarm IEDs and unexplored ordnance. It can detect identify, and dispose hazardous items. It weighs 160 pounds and has an open architecture.

Robot Ostrich Chick Spying On Real Chicks


Robots have been used in the past to spy on wild animals. John Downer’s video shows a robot ostrich chick that gives a bird’s eye view of a couple of ostriches raising their young. These robots are designed to make the right moves not to be rejected by these gorgeous animals.

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