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Kiwibot 4.0 Jetson-Powered Delivery Robot


Plenty of companies are perfecting food delivery robots these days. The Kiwibot 4.0 is a Jetson powered delivery robot with multiple HD cameras, LTE, GPS, and various sensors to get the job done. It can be enhanced with even more sensors for more autonomous operation.

Ligō Robot Prints New Skin for Burn Treatment


Robots are going to change the healthcare industry drastically in the next few years. We have already covered a bunch of them that can perform surgeries and other complex procedures. Ligo is a robot that prints new skins that could revolutionize how we treat burn treatment. As the makers explain:

Inventia Skin’s Ligō robot prints tiny droplets containing the patient’s skin cells and biomaterials to speed up the regenerative process and create a new layer of skin where it has been damaged. The device uses patented technology developed in Australia by parent company Inventia Life Science […] The technology within Ligō enables the rapid and precise delivery of multiple cell types and advanced biomaterials to a wound, providing the potential to recreate functional and aesthetically normal skin. This can be achieved in a single procedure, reducing treatment cost and hospital stays, and minimizing the risk of infection.


Fidelity Phantom 6100 Chess Robot


Chess playing robots are getting a lot popular these days. Companies used to make them even in the 80s though. Take the Fidelity Phantom 6100 Chess Robot for instance: it is a smart chessboard that lets you play against an AI without having to move all the pieces. It also has an auto-play mode.

Unitree Quadruped Robot Balancing on Two Feet


Remember the Unitree A1? It is a robot dog that can run as fast as 11.88km/h. It can also recover from drops and missteps. It is smart enough to follow people and get around obstacles. In their latest video, Unitree Robotics show how the robot can maintain its balance on two feet.

As you can see in the video, the robot can walk along a narrow beam and maintain its balance on two feet when disturbed.

Robot Dog do Yoga with You


Pero: Smart Gesture Controller


Meet the Pero: a smart wearable device that lets you use hand movement to control your laptop, PC, smartphone, and other Bluetooth devices. It lets you use simple hand gestures as shortcuts for your favorite apps such as Adobe Premiere and Microsoft Office Suite.

Building a Robot Barber


There is no better way to learn about robots and improve your coding skills than building and programming your robots. Stuff Made Here has posted a video that can give you an idea what it takes to build your own robot barber.

This Raspberry Pi 3D Printed Card Shuffler Rigs Your Deck


Here is a clever card shuffler controlled by a Raspberry Pi that can rig the deck, so you end up with the winning hand every time. It has been built with 3x Nema 17 stepper motors, Pi camera, Adafruit Feather, and other simple parts. The Python code for it is available on GitHub.

Swift High-Altitude-Long-Endurance Drone with Solar Power


Meet the Swift HALE UAS: a high altitude long endurance drone that can take on 24-hour upper atmosphere operations for military surveillance, communications, and security applications. This 72ft solar powered aerial vehicle weighs less than 180 pounds and has 15lbs payload capacity.

WIZO Humanoid AI Robot


Meet the WIZO: a cloud-based, customizable humanoid robot that can take on a variety of tasks at airports, banks, schools, and retail environments. It comes with voice and facial recognition, autonomous navigation, and flexible arms 360 movement.

Landing Quadcopters on Inclined Surfaces Using Reverse Thrust


Drones are getting smarter all the time. We have covered a bunch of them that can land over water or uneven surfaces. This video from Createk Engineering Lab explores landing quadrotors on inclined surfaces using reverse thrust.

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