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AVO Autonomous Weeding Robot with Solar Panels


Meet the AVO: an autonomous weeding robot that delivers target application of herbicide without you having to break a sweat. It is solar powered and sprays crops with precision while using 95% less herbicide. It has a 4-wheel drive system that enables it to clear obstacles and operate on slopes.

Omnidirectional Tiltrotor Micro Drone


Omnidirectional micro aerial vehicles are a big focus for researchers these days. Plenty of engineers are working on perfecting their design. This video from aslteam shows an omnidirectional drone that can exert a wrench in any orientation while hovering. It can perform 360 degree roll and pitch in the air.

Design and optimal control of a tiltrotor micro aerial vehicle for efficient omnidirectional flight


SpearUAV Ninox 40 Combat Micro Drone


Meet the SpearUAV Ninox 40: a tactical micro drone that can be launched manually or from a standard grenade launcher. It weighs only 250g and can be equipped with custom payloads for all kinds of missions. It is compact enough to be incorporated to the soldier’s vest.

EMAV Manned Flying Vehicle In Action


Plenty of companies are working on flying vehicles these days. The EMAV manned drone is powered by Star8 techtech corp. It can take a human off the ground and fly him/her over short distances. The below video shows it testes over Taal lake:

DH-Robotics AG-95 Adaptive Gripper


Meet the DH-Robotics AG-95: an adaptive gripper that can pick objects in different sizes and shapes without changing tools. It also has an adjustable gripping force. It integrates with TM collaborative robots.

JJRC K3 Omni-Wheel Robot Arm


Meet the JJRC K3 robot arm: an omnidirectional robot that can move in all directions and grab/move objects. It comes with a simple joystick for easy control. The robot has a control range of 30m. It runs on a 1300mAh battery and has load capacity of 1000g.

MDR-C Autonomous Disinfection Robot


UVC robots are getting a lot more popular these days. The MDR-C is another autonomous disinfection robot that kills bacteria and viruses by destroying their DNA structure. The MDR-C robot can maneuver around tight spaces and avoid obstacles and people. The below video shows it in action.

OTSAW OR3 Outdoor Autonomous Security Robot


Meet the OTSAW OR3: an outdoor security robot that can patrol streets and open spaces while avoiding static and dynamic obstacles. It is powered by 3D SLAM navigation technology. The robot has HD cameras, 360-degree computer vision, and various sensors to capture and process information.

CHAMP Open Source Quadruped Robot


Meet the CHAMP: an open source robot with fully autonomous movement using ROS navigation stack. It can be built with AX12 Dynamixel servos, Odrive driven brushless motors, Nvidia Jetson Nano, LiDAR, BNO080 IMU and a C++ library.

MOFLIN Evolving Pet Robot with AI


Meet MOFLIN: a super cute AI pet robot that evolves as you interact with it to develop a unique personality. It has a warm soft fur and makes cute sounds and moves as you touch it. It has various sensors including touch/light sensors and accelerometers.

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