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Robotic 3D Printing of Concrete Components


Robots 3D printing bricks and other similar components is nothing new. This video from KUKA shows how concrete components can be 3D printed with robots. Aeditive is using two large robots to do the job. This robotic shotcrete process involves applying concrete layer by layer, which means components are manufactured directly on a steel pallet.

Cutebot Robot for micro:bit: Smart Car Kit


Here is a smart car kit that combines with micro:bit to teach you a thing or two about coding. The Cutebot comes ready to go. It doesn’t require any soldering. It has dual high speed motors to move around and two RGB LED headlights.

Soryu-C Snake Robot for Harsh Environments


Meet the Soryu-C Snake Robot: a versatile robot made to explore harsh environments. It is able to move through mud, water, sand, and over debris. It measures 1720mm x 94.5mm x 79.5mm, weighing 10.5kg. It has max speed of 100mm/s. The robot is IP67 watertight.

SkyDrive’s Flying Car In Action


Flying cars are coming. A bunch of companies are working on making them safer and more reliable. Take SkyDrive’s Flying Car for instance: it was recently tested with one person on-board. This electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle flew 2-3 meters and can stay airborne for about 10 minutes.

SkyDrive's flying car takes to the air with pilot at the controls

The above video shows this flying car in action.

[HT: the Japan Times]

SPTM Stealth Pan/Tilt Minibot for Inspection & Security


Here is another rugged industrial robot ready for rough inspection tasks. The SPTM has 4 rugged wheels to take on uneven terrain. It also ships with a GoPro on a pan/tilt head to look around. It is tiny enough to go underneath vehicles. Weighing around 10lbs, the SPTM Stealth Pan/Tilt Minibot is easy to carry and deploy anywhere.

X-series Robot Arm with Record & Playback Function


Remember the X-series Robot Arms? These are high performance robotic arms with DYNAMIXEL X-Series smart servos from Robotis. They offer more toque and efficient heat dissipation. They are available in 8 models with max reach of 750mm and payload of 750g.

Record & Playback X-Series Arm Demo

MiniBalance ROS Robot Car with LiDAR SLAM


Here is an advanced educational robot car designed for serious developers. This MiniBalance ROS Robot comes with a Raspberry Pi brain and Astra Pro depth camera. It is ready for mapping, smart navigation, and obstacle avoidance.

Unitree Robotics A1 Robot Dog Learns to Dance


Remember the Unitree Robotics A1 robot? It is a robot dog that can run as fast as 11.8km/h, recover from drops, follow people, and get around obstacles. We have already covered how it can walk along a narrow beam and maintain its balance while disturbed. This video shows the A1 dancing with agility:

SPAR: Autonomous Indoor/Outdoor Security Robot


Meet Spar: an autonomous security robot by SuperDroid Robots ideal for patrolling your property. It comes with a bunch of sensors and cameras to detect unusual activity. It also provides security personnel with a live feed of all the action.

Graze Fully Autonomous, Electric Lawn Mower with Machine Learning


Robots are already capable of cutting grass and taking on other agricultural tasks. The Graze is a fully autonomous electric lawn mower that can cut mid to large sized commercial lawns efficiently. It has GPS based mapping & computer vision, sensors for safety, and machine learning.

This model comes with a long battery life. As the company explains:

Machine learning, coupled with computer vision and a robust system of sensors allows the new Graze commercial lawn mower to map job sites, plan and execute mowing paths, avoid obstacles and dangerous inclines (i.e. trees, terrain, people etc.), while continuously collecting and apply data to further improve aesthetic quality and efficiency

These mowers can be powered by solar power too. More info is available here.

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