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NICOBO: Panasonic’s Cute Robot Companion


Meet the NICOBO robot: a cute robot from Panasonic that is designed to keep you company. It was created through joint research with the Michio Oka Lab. As you can see in the below video, NICOBO has cute eyes to express itself. It responds when you pet it.

Alfred Food Preparation Robot with Machine Learning


Meet Alfred: Dexai’s artificially-intelligent robot that automates food preparation. It uses machine learning and computer vision to prepare complete meals. It is controlled by a tablet for easy order management.

BellaBot: Cat Inspired Restaurant Robot


Meet Pudu Robotics’ BellaBot: a cat like robot that can be used at restaurants to reduce risk of exposure to COVID-19. The robot simply helps with contact-less delivery. It can move and navigate by itself in crowded environments. It has intelligent induction trays and can deliver food to 3/4 tables at a time.

Kebbi: AI Powered Social Robot for Kids


Meet Kebbi: an AI powered social robot designed to keep your kids company. It can be used for STEAM and language education in the classroom. The robot can recognize faces, objects, gestures, sound sources, and voices. Users can edit its programming to give their kids an interactive learning experience.

HaptX Gloves DK2 for Robot Teleoperation, VR


Meet the HaptX Gloves DK2: an advanced pair of haptic gloves that take your VR experience to the next level. These smart gloves feature powerful haptic feedback with 133 points of tactile feedback per hand. They are also accurate motion trackers with 30 tracked degrees of freedom.

HaptX Gloves DK2 Launch Video | True-contact haptics for Virtual Reality and Robotics

Spot Robot Dog Putting Its Arm to Good Use


Boston Dynamics is behind some of the coolest robots we have seen. Their Spot robot dog shouldn’t need any introduction. As it turns out, Spot can do all kinds of things with its arm. As this video shows, the robot can tidy up a living room, pick up trash, open doors, skip rope, tend the garden. and do a whole lot more.

SkyWall 100 Drone Defense System


Meet the SkyWall 100: a drone defense system that enables you to capture unauthorized drones with a net and bring them down gracefully with a parachute for forensic inspection. OpenWorks Engineering, a group of British engineers, has invented this system to make it easier to deal with rogue drones.

SkyWall : SkyWall100 Drone Defence System - A Man Portable and Cost Effective Counter Drone System

Skywall 100 comes with a compressed air launcher and a smart projectile. As the inventors explain:

The launcher uses a computerized SmartScope to calculate the drone’s flight path and directs the operator on where to aim the launcher, to ensure the drone is intercepted. When the operator pulls the trigger the projectile is programmed so that it deploys its on-board net and parachute at precisely the right time to catch the target drone.

OpenWorks Engineering is expected to develop a range of air powered launchers and smart projectiles to deal with a wide range of scenarios.


KITOV ONE Robotic Inspection System


Meet the KITOV ONE: a robotic inspection system that can be trained to handle any product without any need in vision programming and robotics. A new inspection plan for a product can be set up with a CAD file or full 3D scan. The system uses a camera with multiple lighting elements to capture different types of materials and shapes.

AuRorA: Smart Kitchen Robot


In the future, robots are going to do all kinds of things in our kitchens. The AuRorA project is exploring the concept of using an intelligent kitchen robot to support and assist humans. It learns and evolves to adapt to each individual’s needs.

Robosen T9-E Programmable Transforming Robot

Robosen T9 Transformer Robot: How to Add Actions + New Actions -- Gadgetify

Meet the Robosen T9-E: another transforming robot that can turn from a robot into a car and vice versa at the touch of a button. It has app and voice control and 3 modes of programming. This robot has 22 servos for smooth movement. You can teach it new moves manually or through a visual programming interface.

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