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RE2 Sapien 6M Robotic Arm with 50kg Payload


Meet the RE2 Sapien 6M Robotic Arm: a 6DOF robot arm with integrated intelligence that can manipulate objects in structured and unstructured environments. It has a horizontal reach 1282mm with max payload capacity of 50kg. This robot arm comes with torque sensing at each joint. It has a rugged outer shell for harsh environments.

Wolfgang-OP Humanoid Robot for RoboCup Competitions


Meet the Wolfgang-OP: a humanoid robot platform for RoboCup and other similar competitions. It can survive falls and automatically recover. It comes with an Intel NUC, Odroid XU4 and a Basler acA2040-35gc camera. It also has put pressure sensors.

Baking with a Hero Bionic Arm


The Hero Arm shouldn’t need any introduction. It is a multi-grip prosthetic arm that helps amputees live an independent life. Each Hero Arm is based on a 3D scan of the wearer’s limb. It has sensors to detect muscle movements for effortless control.

THALAMUS AI Security Robot for Uneven Terrain


Meet the Glocal Robotics THALAMUS: an autonomous security robot that can negotiate uneven terrain and patrol secure sites. It comes with two artificial intelligence modules to get the job done. Weighing 250kg, this robot stands 2.3m tall and has a top speed of 30km/h.

Autonomous Robotic Cutting with DiSECt


Robots are going to do many things for us in the future, including preparing our food. Before giving robots a knife, they need to be taught how to use a knife with proper amount of force to cut through fruits and vegetables. Robotics researchers from NVIDIA and University of Southern California have come up with DiSECt, which is a simulation engine for autonomous robot cutting. As NVIDIA explains:

Deformable objects are simulated via the Finite Element Method (FEM). To simulate crack propagation and damage, we insert springs between the cut elements of the mesh which are weakened as the knife exerts contact forces

The below video shows how it works:

NVIDIA Research: DiSECt – A Differentiable Simulation Engine for Autonomous Robotic Cutting

DiSECt: A Differentiable Simulation Enginefor Autonomous Robotic Cutting


Sniffy Bug: Autonomous Swarm of Gas-Seeking Nano Quadcopters


Here is a fully autonomous swarm of gas-seeking nano quadcopters that can operate in cluttered environments. They use a bio-inspired bug algorithm (Sniffy Bug) to get it done. As MAVLab TU Delft researchers explain, lightweight Crazyflie drones were used for this experiment.

BeachBot AI Robot Spots, Removes Cigarette Butts


Meet the BeachBot: an AI-enabled robot that can spot cigarette butts, take them out of the sand and put them in a bin. This AI enabled robot can be enhanced with image detection algorithms. The robot has fat wheels to move over sand. The below video shows it in action:

Dipper Dynamic Aerial-Aquatic Drone


Meet the Dipper: a dynamic aerial-aquatic drone that can fly and swim. It has a max cruising speed of 70 km/h and a range of 5km. Dipper can also dive from 150m at 130 km/h. It can swim for 10 minutes at a speed of 9km/h. As the researchers explain:

The vehicle has only one main propulsion motor, and uses a novel clutch system to engage either the front tractor propeller for flight in air, or the rear ship’s screw propeller for underwater propulsion.

Dipper: A Dynamically Transitioning Aerial-Aquatic Unmanned Vehicle


Moley Robotic Kitchen Cooking Steak


Moley Robotic Kitchen

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future, including cooking our food. We have already covered how the Moley Robotic Kitchen can cook any dish. It can cook 5000 recipes.  It comes with utensils and cookware optimized for humans and robots. This video shows it cooking the perfect steak.

myCobot Pi: Raspberry Pi Powered Robot Arm (6 DOF)


Meet the myCobot Pi: an educational 6DOF robot arm that can be programmed with Python and Blockly. It is powered by a Raspberry Pi 4B and has 4 USB, 2 HDMI, and other standard GPIO pins. It runs on Debian.

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