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PackBot 510 Bomb Disposal Robot


Meet the PackBot 510: a man-transportable robot that can take on bomb disposal, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions. It can climb stairs and navigate narrow passages. Its manipulator arm can handle up to 44lbs. It comes with video, audio, and sensor capability. It is compact enough to fit in your car’s trunk.

CurBot Smart Curtain Robot


Here is a smart robot that automates your curtains. The CurBot can assist you with drawing your curtains. It comes with app and voice control. It can also be put on a schedule. This robot has a sunlight sensor to detect the right time to open your curtain.

Ascento Pro: Agile Two-wheeled Jumping Robot


Meet the Ascento Pro: an agile two-wheeled robot that combines legs and wheels to move over flat surfaces and jump over obstacles. It has a modular design with autonomous driving capability. It is ready for teleoperation. This robot can drive at up to 12km/h. It lasts up to 8 hours on battery.

RH5 Manus Humanoid Robot for Space Missions


Meet the RH5 Manus: a humanoid robot that can provide assistance to humans in space missions, e.g. at a future moon station. The robot can perform assembly work autonomously. It can also cooperate with humans. This robot can be teleoperated.

Jaguar V4 Mobile Robot with Manipulator Arm


Meet the Jaguar V4: a mobile robotic platform designed for indoor and outdoor applications. It comes with an articulated arm to grab and manipulate items. This robot has a weather resistant design. It comes with GPS, 9 DOF IMU, and WiFi connectivity.

Oystamaran: This Robot Can Flip Heavy Bags of Oysters


Here is a robot designed to work with oyster farmers to flip heavy floating bags of oysters to help the shellfish grow and stay healthy. This process “allows “algae, barnacles, and other “biofouling” organisms” on the other side of the bag to be exposed to air and light. The Oystamaran simply has a flipping mechanism between its 2 hulls.

Automating aquaculture with robots

This robot has a vision system with a forward looking part to determine the positioning and a downward part to find the baskets.


Seeed Studio Jetson SUB Mini PC Robot AI & IoT


Here is a compact PC with Jetson Xavier NX Module that is ready for AI and IoT projects. The Seeed Studio Jetson SUB Mini PC has an aluminum case, 128GB SSD, cooling fan and antennas. It has a 6-core NV Carmel ARM v8.2 64-bit processor with 384-core NV Volta GPU with 48 Tensor Cores for 21 TOPS AI performance.

SNAG Bird Inspired Robotic Leg for Drones


In the past few years, we have covered a whole host of nature inspired robots and drones here. SNAG is another interesting project inspired by birds that enables drones to grasp and perch on complex surfaces. It is a robotic leg and end effector that enables drones to catch objects in the air.

NERVA XX Modular Multipurpose Robot


Here is a multipurpose robot ready for observation, detection, mapping, and intervention tasks. The NERVA XX Robot has easily swappable payload. It can be used with PTZ camera, 3D mapping, gunshot detection, manipulator arm, and other modules. It has a max speed of 5km/h with up to 4 hours battery life.

Adran Realistic Mesmer Robot Head


In the past few years, we have covered plenty of robots with somewhat human-like facial expressions. The Adran robot is also worth a look. It is a robot head with realistic motion. It has 22 custom servo actuators on its head and neck. It has eye cameras and a microphone array for autonomous human interaction.

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