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VELYS Robotic Assisted Knee Replacement Surgery System


In the past few years, we have covered plenty of robotic surgery system. The VELYS Robotic Assisted System is made for knee replacement surgeries. It comes with Natural Control technology for precise, reproducible surgeon-controlled cuts. It comes with ProAdjust Planning to enable surgeons to change alignment and balance relative to soft tissues.

Apellix Opus X8 SW Drone Cleaning the University of Florida Shands Hospital


Here is another drone that can be used to clean inaccessible areas. The Apellix Opus X8 Soft Wash System was recently used to clean the University of Florida Shands Hospital building. It can reach areas not easily accessible without lifts and scaffolding. The below video shows it in action:

Apellix B1 Power Wash System Cleaning a Hospital - Jan 2022


Stabilizing a Drone with Single Rotor Failure


Drone components fail all the time. Even a single rotor malfunction can lead to a quadcopter crashing. UZH Robotics and Perception Group researchers have come up with a fault tolerant controller using the nonlinear model predictive control to stabilize a quacopter with a complete single rotor failure. The below video shows how it works:

Nonlinear MPC for Quadrotor Fault-Tolerant Control (RAL 2022)


Petoi Bittle Robot Dog Walking on the Ceiling


Remember the Bittle: it is a palm sized Arduino Robot Dog for STEM education. It is tiny enough to fit in the palm of your hand. It can be programmed in C and Python. This video shows how this quadruped robot can climb up to the ceiling.

Echo SAR Drone Payload with Mobile Phone Detection


Here is a drone payload that enables operators to quickly find and map with mobile phone handsets in disaster situations to avoid first responders. The new Robotics Centre Echo SAR (Search and Rescue) payload is designed to use with SkyRaider and SkyRanger R70 drones. The operators will be able to map mobile phones in out of service areas. They can also communicate with individuals and groups of mobile phones.

Robotic Spoon Picking System with KR DELTA Robot


In the past few years, we have covered how businesses are using industrial robots from KUKA and other manufacturers to increase operational efficiency. This robotic spoon picking system was developed by KUKA and MODU. It uses KR DELTA robots to pick and place wrapped and unwrapped spoons into the conveyor pocket that holds food pouches.

CoDrone EDU Coding Drone with 7 Sensors


Meet the CoDrone EDU: a coding drone with 7 sensors that is ready for Python and Blockly programming. This drone is made for kids ages 12+. You can use it to perform stunts, detect obstacles, read colors, and a whole lot more.

Mycionics Autonomous Mushroom Harvesting System


Here is a robotic system that autonomously harvests mushrooms to help farms meet increased demand for their product. This robotic system continually picks, packs, and weighs mushrooms. This robot takes into account the farmer’s harvesting requirements to scan mushroom beds and intelligently packs them into boxes.

Yahboom Raspberry Pi Robot Tank


Here is another Raspberry Pi robot for more advanced students. The Yahboom Raspberry Pi Robot Tank (Transbot) comes with a Silan A1 LiDAR that can be used for 2D scanning and mapping. This robot can be programmed to detect faces, recognize objects, automatically drive, and navigate your home.

NEXCON 1G: Modular 3D Building Printer


Meet the NEXCON 1G: Black Buffalo 3D’s construction printer that can print the frame of a 1000 sqft home in under 20 hours. It can run for 16 hours straight and is quiet enough to work overnight.

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