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Thames & Kosmos Robotics Smart Machines SideKick

Robotics: Smart Machines - Sidekick

Here is an educational kit that comes with everything you need to build a 4-wheeled rover or a 2-wheel robot. These robots can be programmed with an iOS or Android device. You can control Sidekick’s movements, sound and facial expressions.

Safety-Critical Manipulation for Food Preparation with a Robot Arm


Robots are going to do many things for us in the future, including cooking our food at restaurants. There are already plenty of robots that can flip burgers and even prepare fries. This video explores a safety-critical manipulation system that allows for collision free food preparation with a robotic arm.

Mini Pupper Open Source ROS Robot Dog (12DOF)


Meet the Mini Pupper: an open source robot kit made for more advanced students. It comes with 12DOF, OpenCV, SLAM navigation, and everything you need to study different gaits. It is smart enough to map its environment and learn in real-time.

AI Training Cheap Robot Dogs to Coordinate Limbs


There are plenty of fancy robot dogs on the market. Most of them cost a fortune. As this video from New Scientist shows, it is possible to train a cheap robot dog with AI to pick up objects and press buttons. These robots have an unlimited number of sensors but thanks to AI, they can take on complex tasks.

AI trains cheap robot dog to coordinate multiple limbs

The researchers used an AI driven teacher trained in a virtual world to make the robot smarter. You can read more about it here.

Tamiya micro:bit Wheeled Robot


Here is another cute robot that can teach your kids coding concepts. The Tamiya Wheeled Robot uses a micro:bit microcomputer, ultrasonic sensor, and motor driver circuit. It can avoid obstacles. Tamiya moves its arms and head as it moves.

[where to get it]

JetRacer Pro AI Robot for Autonomous Driving Projects


Here is another robot that lets you experiment with AI. The JetRacer Pro AI Robot is powered by a Jetson Nano 2GB. It also comes with a cooling fan, rubber tires, and a HD wide angle camera. It has a camera to collect data for autonomous driving. You can control this robot with your PC or mobile device.

WitBlox Robotics Kit AI Edition for Kids


Here is another robot designed to teach kids AI and coding concepts. The WitBlox Robotics Kit AI Edition comes with smartphone or tablet control. Its app has video tutorial of over 100 projects. This kit comes with a power, lamp, motor driver, various sensors, and other modules.

WitBlox AI Kit has everything kids need to create and train their own AI. By using it, they get to improve your problem solving, motor skills, and critical thinking.

[where to get it]

SpeedFolding: Dual-Arm Robot Folding Garments Under 120s


Teaching robots how to fold garments can be a challenge on its own. It poses unique challenges when using a dual arm robot. In this video from IEEE Spectrum, you can see how a dual arm robot folding garments. As the researchers explain, using this approach, after learning from 4300 human-annotated and self-supervised actions, the robot can fold garments from a random configuration in under 120s.

SpeedFolding: Learning Efficient Bimanual Folding of Garments


Ageless Innovations Golden Pup Interactive Robot Dog for Seniors


Here is another robot dog designed to keep seniors company. The Ageless Innovations Golden Pup Interactive Robot Dog has sensors to respond to motion and touch. It has lifelike coat and sounds. It responds to your voice too. This robot has a dog like heartbeat. It automatically goes to sleep if you don’t interact with it.

Joy for All - Pup Demo

SCUBIC Robotic Self Cleaning Litter Box


Meet the SCUBIC: a self cleaning litter box that gives your pets plenty of room to do their thing. It comes with a vertical scooping system. This litter box has 3.7 ft3 of space. The entrance height is low, so your cat can get in and out without a whole lot of effort.

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